Fino alla fine degli Anni '90, caratteristica del locale era di cambiare allestimento delle cinque sale principali due volte l'anno, seguendo ma spesso anticipating trends and fashions. The creator of the topics of sets and creator of much of the place was until 2006 the artistic director Loris Riccardi . Icon of the space was the transgression, and fun.
The main hall is the Pyramid, a structure made of glass with transparent walls precisely shaped

Titilla is the second most important room and specializes in house music. This place has Italian and international dj's international reputation as Alex Blacks ( Planet Funk), Francesco Farfa .
resident DJ of the Pyramid were among others Gianni Parrini, Stefano Bratti, Cyril, Dj Ricci, Saccoman, while landlords were Titilla Claudio di Rocco and Ralf. In 1994
was added a new room, Morphine, with DJ David Lovecalò and performer, actress and singer NicoNot * Nicole aka Magalotti. Even this space, which over time has changed the form and content has hosted big names in alternative music scene, and distinguished guests, even totally away from the world of the night. Morphine dedicated to electronic music and ambient was then closed in 2006. In 1999
born outside the hall Hello Sex, dedicated to the public gay e ora chiusa e nel 2004 la sala Strix, ambiente trasgressivo situato nel bagno delle donne.
Fino al 2003 locale proponeva prevalentemente techno o trance . In seguito con il cambio dei DJ si passò ad un genere più vicino all' hard-trance e al minimal-techno , fino all'anno successivo e alla affermazione della house , salvo che in speciali serate come ad esempio Memorabilia, la serata per

In successive Saturdays of the month the club hosts DJs usually as Claudio Di Rocco, Giusy Consoli , Alex Blacks, Federica Babydoll and many other numerous "guest" of national and international fame.
Cocoricò The staff works with such famous " Diabolika ", "Les Folies de Pigalle", "P: Gold," "Cocoon," "Minus" and "Docshow.
The restaurant is open every Saturday from September to June (except as even mid-week openings for Halloween, Easter and other holiday during July and August is open almost every night.