Rock Planet - Cervia
August 20, 2010
Only Essential
spritz now find the parking lot of the mall. While the average family Italiot disperses the money of the loan in snacks and pillowcases, the gang gathers for the event of shock this summer trip to Italy, Cervia, to see Lizzy Borden (first on the Peninsula) challenging the weekend August. We start in the middle of general indifference, as it should be, because if people realized the weight factor of these deeds, the same would lose their appeal.
Here are the Knights of the enterprise:
Sir Bonny, big big so absurd: the best deterrent to any pogo under the stage, unlimited supply of advice on Apple and proteins, an expert in the Metal (only year 1991) and, in his spare time, stand-in for the Ganesh Elephant God.
Sir Walter NoRespect Bastiansson Webzine from Force With Balls On Fire: attention, he would deny ever having been present despite the numerous photographic evidence, but it is not surprising and, indeed, a denial is affirmation of the absolute truth of what he previously denied, at least until proven otherwise or in case of change of government.
AlexMasi Sir, who has now played his namesake in terms of presenteeism in the concerts that represents all the matter and the final decision for the provision of guitar: his "It opens up your ass!" means promotion to full marks, all other statements amount to a "We'll let you know."
- MarchettoDonè Sir, willing to take the trip on its own, has shown total disregard for nonsense such as sleep or the cost of the Italian motorway: it exhibits the longest hair in the caravan and was not afraid to admit his presence at the concert Uriah Heep, though conscious that the epithet of "bald" was lurking.
- Your (never) humble chronicler, of which there is no need to know what you already know.
Viaggio in autostrada ricco di discussioni sconclusionate su argomenti di interesse variabile a seconda del livello di demenza. Necessaria pausa in Autogrill per superare lo shock di aver attraversato fin troppi confini naturali (Piave, Adige, Po) e inevitabile foto U.S. Metal di gruppo con esibizione dei vinili di Lizzy Borden: risultato --> clamore strepitoso , vergogna inesistente e futura denuncia da parte del Signor Autogrill per aver fatto comparire il suo marchio in foto così clamorose.
Arrivo a Pinarella di Cervia senza incontrare intoppi di traffico, evidentemente Dio delle Trasferte Shock ha deciso di graziarci e il Dio dell'U.S. Metal ha aggiunto la sua benedizione mantenendo Lizzy Borden vivo fino ad oggi per suonare al Rock Planet.
Incontro con altri prodi cavalieri senza macchia (sulle magliette) e cena pre-torneo, giusto per provvedere alle macchie. La pizzeria sembra una bocciofila, la pizza è senza infamia e la birra trascurabile, mentre l'ignobile piadina scatena le ire del Bonny, che minaccia di gonfiare i bicipiti occupando così altre tre tavolate. Viene ridotto a più miti consigli dall'arrivo di tutta la band di Lizzy Borden in tenuta da spiaggia. La band viene ignorata bellamente dall'80% dei prodi, più concentrati ad osservare la spogliarellista che si esibisce live con Lizzy: dal momento che non alludes to undress in a pizzeria, the above is confined to a corner of the mind and replaced with discourses on the essentiality of wigs in today's world of Metal.
No time to digest and the event takes on a totally unexpected turn when Sir Walter decides to nail the organizer of the evening locked in a debate, concluded that the color of the valiant Friulian resembles that of a shroud: After you made the request to return home and had received a rejection elegant, the heroic Walter roams the room looking lost and dispensing with foresight, foretelling, structural calculations and bombastic bravado to all present. What will these two phenomena? All this and more in the near future between these posts.
The digression-Vogue.
And here's what our heroes have chosen to wear during the event U.S. Metal of the year.
Bonny: boots with white socks, terry 100% Max Cavalera 1991, short trousers, sand-colored decor representative of a carp in agony, belt Black Label Society (detail provocative to shock the U.S. Maniax) singlet Black XXL inevitably tight, short-sleeved shirt style used in the Bank of Musile, bracelets scrap varies just to understand who the Metallaro cuff Hardcore Superstar out of context.
AlexMasi: sneakers bourgeois spritz to the streets in Sacile, dark jeans indifference, the original Alice Cooper T-shirt still drenched in sweat before the concert (in fact, Alice Cooper).
MarchettoDoné: sneakers bourgeois prosecco streets in Portsmouth, jeans slightly Braccini clear and certainly acceptable to Krusty the Clown, just like mine impeccable studded belt, T-shirts that avoids all-black the humiliation of sweat stains, foam cuffs blacks n.1 for the dog days of Romagna.
Walter: black shoe low socially acceptable in each cadastre of the Northeast, white pants style leather belt with Billionaire Texan cattle (U.S. Metal detail), Devil Doll T-shirt to emphasize his reputation of decontextualized chronic watch the Ringo Boys (second retail U.S. Metal), rubber and metal bracelets that scream "Rebel but reliable!"
Me: German holiday.
The show : ----- good, you're at home, so that there is always someone who writes the report ----
Lizzy Borden close in advance to leave room for local programming, which includes:
room with stuff outside of Africa, clearly appreciated by vendors who are resting after working day
n.1 lounge, disco mainstream, nest of minors willing to do anything to get the new phone;
lounge n.2, battutissima rave music, people dance so much standing still not be able to keep time: the population of the room equally divided between Germans (who have always loved this cacophony) and Punkabbestia pierced in suppuration;
Cabinet crowded with young people who come to make bisognini and out with cold (all pulled up his nose ...);
assorted bars that sell drinks at prices from Dubai-periphery.
integration, even wanting to, is impossible.
The band re-emerges triumphant from backstage (closet with a sheet of paper written on "Backstage") to sign autographs, take pictures and all the amenities that make us believe to be privileged and them to be of Rockstar. These moments are primarily used to unleash complete discography and impress onlookers with rare demos, the Korean edition, the first press, the official bootleg and everything that makes up for e-bay of cash equal to the GDP of Chad. Needless to digress, the winners are once again in the Northeast: Walter has everything Lizzy Borden vinyl (including the first mini, removable only last detail as befits true actor from record fairs), Bonny you buy the skin of the snare in which the obese merchandising adds a free beer discount (the Bonny drink before I use it to bribe the minors).
voyeuristic moments usually there are none, but on this occasion is also a cheerleader, to monopolize the attention and makes provocative photos with anyone, giving satisfaction to many a few nights alone. The Northeast stands out for the umpteenth time when someone, making the picture with the girl, the photographer says: "Please, take my good shirt." Priority.
Guitarists of Lizzy wild throw to the trailer, as the present age do not seem to be no problem to slip backstage. Sure, the concert also grupies Lizzy Borden in 2010 ... this is probably not the groupies even saw them in 1985, and now he has them too ... benefits of globalization.
Bassist is incompetent, to the point that the cheerleader has pity on him and goes to pick up a girl for him. Scene from Silicon Valley, better than the horde of voyeurs did not see.
Obiettivo: rientrare al più presto nelle nostre regioni. Ci si ferma solo una volta arrivati in provincia di Rovigo. Parcheggio dell'autogrill in preda allo scompiglio quando si decide di indossare tutti la maglietta di Lizzy (uguale per tutti, neanche le Giovani Marmotte...) e di fare la foto di gruppo per i posteri. I sagaci molestatori del gruppo individuano una macchina di tre ragazze a cui chiedere uno scatto shock (solo i non molestatori si accorgono che ci sono anche due ragazzi, la cui esistenza però non viene percepita dai voyeurs). Una si presta ben volentieri, ma scende in fondo alla classifica quando afferma: “Ma chè, sete 'annati ar Concerto Metallaro?”. L'altra si defends better and above all is silent because there is a picture with his machine, bringing with him forever a memory of a sensation that it is better not being aware of it: of course the picture becomes a novel by now a top priority for collectors of nonsense , thanks to its irretrievability, wrong angle and unconsciousness of the author.
And that's enough! Until next time.