open to Treviso, usually two types of premises. There are very fashionable places frequented by fashionable people, with tan fashion (if they have skin orange is in fashion) and plays in fashion. These restaurants usually have a short life, but they can make money. Do not normally play live and therefore not interest us. Then there are the bars that make less money but stay open longer, provided that the managers should be judicious management. They too are playing Live a little, because they have no spaces or permits.
Blue Jeans was a bar, but did play live. He had neither the space nor the permission or a sensible management. It was an L-shaped room, a hallway with the bar on the left, a few tables down, spartan furniture style "but I can not", tables and spritz. It was located in a tragic Treviso, just outside the center, with little parking and local clients who did not. An owner would gloss set in a different way, in fact, would never open. But the owner of the restaurant was not very polished.
Si trattava di un iraniano dal passato sconosciuto. Dall'aspetto non avresti mai detto che era dall'Iran, sembrava un normale alcolizzato del NordEst. Quando parlava era spesso incomprensibile, ma forse la colpa era del cabernet. Non sappiamo se avesse già esperienza nella gestione di bar, visti i risultati comunque lo escluderei.
In ogni caso gli affari andavano male e quindi, quando un qualche disgraziato andò da lui a chiedergli di suonare, l'iraniano intravvide l'affare. Come lo intravvide lo sa solo lui.
La band di Treviso sono sempre alla ricerca di posti dove suonare, al punto che si accontentano di suonare gratis. Questo spinge i proprietari a ingaggiare chiunque gli prometta di portare gente e la ricompensa sono poche birra e zero euro. L'equazione “poche birre gratis/molte birre vendute” deve essere sembrata geniale all'iraniano, che si autoconvinse di avere un locale adatto alla musica live. Non era proprio così...
La band venivano fatte suonare in fondo al bar. Grazie alla forma a L, bastava che quelli in prima fila fosse alti più di 1,70 e il gruppo spariva. I suoni erano sempre più che scadenti, giacché non esisteva alcun impianto decente e l'acustica era un concetto oscuro. E questo fu il primo errore.
Il secondo errore era che ogni gruppo di zozzoni metal/rock di Treviso e dintorni volle una data al Blue Jeans e l'iraniano diceva di sì a tutti, tanto co 20 persone il locale era pieno. Ciò recava almeno due effetti collaterali:
la gente si portava da bere e non acquistava nel locale, quindi non si facevano affari;
being the tiny bar and beer for a fee, most of the patrons stood outside chatting and drinking beers brought from home.
The bar was located in a residential area and the continued presence of punk and heavy metal, drinking beer alarmed the natives of the place, often called the police. When they arrived, they discovered that the room did not have permission to live music, sandwiches sold poisonous, the Aperol had expired in 2002, the bathroom was clogged, the patrons were often favorable to the legalization of particular substances, the area was not soundproof and the whole neighborhood could enjoy music.
All this to say that the Stars are Outlaw launched a hunt for dates in the room and got no problems. Young band in full promotion, played anywhere without any pretension, even under bridges and in construction sites, claiming their roots workers. Poor but beautiful, they faced the Rock as well, without too many problems raising the amps to 11, wear a feathered boa and go.
No one remembers the show at the Blue Jeans in the OS part 5 in the first row, others have a vague memory of mixed sounds and screams as a baby, which ended with police sirens. The evenings at the Blue Jeans brought no benefit to the OS, nor cheap (nothing is gained) or in terms of prestige if they had played in Piazza dei Signori begging, would have more money and more public. If anything, we recovered from a health perspective, given the quality of the products of the bar.
After a string of inevitable complaints of public nuisance, the restaurant closed. No one was missing, either as a bar or as concerts. In the end it was like going to see the band in rehearsal and the beer you could bring from home.