will remember my post where I tried to sell the furniture in my house .. ..
Here, I wanted to update you on the state of things, so so much for thinking "eye to eye" with friends and vent a little ...
For those who knows me, knows that he does not like to dwell Elaiza and sit on the famous tree to sing, and this year waiting icchè no one knows where we tried to sell the house I was very nervous, this inactivity forced this "no route now because if we do not do this then sells the house ... no way, now unn'andiamo on holiday in a way, because then if you sell the house ..." not to mention non-project much more important to me to be a short wait for the destiny and do not handle it irritates me a lot.
From the time that hath been decided "enough is here and you work" I am rinfervorata ball looked like Opera del Duomo when they found the body of San Zenobi, him and I take it well, and from there - in November - to date - in December - and open house waiting for the builders next Monday, the pace was really quick. Too much perhaps, but prefer it this way, you have to say.
Poro Leo Stay behind vu say ... my brother says the which has the closet full of the halos , boh ... In
du ballet hath been chosen the new kitchen, new cabinet, bookcase, sofa, tile, flooring for the closet, now I doubt seize on the 2000 "but I guessed that with the colors??" but only time will tell. The problem
sell furniture was promptly resolved. I put the subito.it photos, listing of course ridiculous, but better than paying someone to come home not to evacuate? and then someone can re-use something that is still in very good condition. Sold
kitchen, sofa sold, sold the table, but then repented then cheat to the table - the television and realized that air pulled committed suicide (I swear, today I am going to finish the boxes and no longer worked!) .
The only thing left was the beautiful furniture in the living room, we had to dispose of the Clover, but that just really really turned m'è boxes.
a seller I know that even - Leo attended the sale at my kitchen ammutolito si è nascosto nella cabina armadio perchè temeva che avrei venduto anche lui.
Ora, in 3 giorni abbiamo fatto tutti gli scatoloni e stipati nell'unica camera che rimarrà sana (oltre il bagno), cioè la nostra. La notte di Natale è stata l'ultima nella nostra casina, ora siamo bellamente accampati a casa Suoceri (porini, che pazienza, tra tutti).
Seba è nel paese dei balocchi, senza asilo nido, coi genitori, coi nonni, tutti all together, pare dopato da com'è felice.
Io nonostante la felicità per le decisioni prese, per il vigore e l'energia che comunque mi danno i cambiamenti, da buona Cancerina soffro come una bestia a toccare, spostare, cover, and have to boxing or worse, or throw all my things, my memories, my sheets, mind indol'era done this and that, photos, cards, books, or suffering that my mother can not understand, or perhaps, just as you did a move in your life ...
was not for me I would have dropped gently to the memories, with music, trailed on the ground, and I slowly objects lying in boxes Modine, smiling for a picture, sfrignoccolando for another .... but the days were few and the many things to do, and the mass of boxing I darkened the brain looked like an automaton, but inside me I have suffered so much.
Among other things I have in the brothel lost in a cosmetic bag that I put my favorite earrings, my necklace and a bracelet that I Breill for 40 years, and do not find it anymore, I feel very Carrie in Paris when no longer find the necklace, then she finds it in lining of the bag, I hope .....
The other side of the coin was good that we found under the couch all the balls of Lucy, the playthings of Sheba in the coffin of the stereo (......) and crescent in the kitchen, which was 8 months, we tried . You see, there is always a positive side in everything.
'm in the mood for confessions tonight, but tomorrow will also put your photos, so you rejoice ..
Happy New Year if you suffer a first ...
missing ... then! in these photos, we hope soon to be able to write ....