Situation new house. Random.
Computer :
MacBook (design and efficiency) loosely laid on a plank with dark style butcher Black Mass Lucio Fulci Italian horror Sadness 70s . The Internet is a modern phenomenon and unknown that could upset the very near where 90enni discovered the porn implications of the affair. Result: Mac-backpack on my back 24 / 7 looking for wireless networks to steal around the Treviso area.
Refrigerator :
50% occupied by Fage (500g size, offer the scandalous Cadoro impulse ... and bags full of bikes, plus bag across the legs and acrobatics during their return to the ring road) and cottage cheese (0.4% fat, metabolism in panic now that ignores the existence of fat in the food ... the festival of Chiarano expected a total collapse of the certainties so far gained from that metabolism).
Vegetables from estates of clear, everything in the original biological unprecedented amount: The percentage that reaches the stomach -> 53%, which decays to inactivity -> 47%. Future plans: increasing vegetable consumption, donate the rest to the poor.
Prosciutti di San Daniele: regalo dei camionisti alla mia consorte. Nulla di sordido, lavora all'autogrill e i timidi camionisti pensano giustamente che corteggiarla donando provviste sia un gesto vincente. Da vincente, io ringrazio.
Petto di pollo. Fosse per me, lo mangerei anche crudo per risparmiare tempo, ma la V è donna di sani principi e insiste per cucinarlo, spostando quindi la mia evoluzione da Paleolitico e Neolitico.
Pavimento :
Legno in cucina e in camera da letto, washes at random, but be careful not to drop objects more than 20 kg. Consequently, I can not hear music inside: having the custom of throwing myself on the floor listening to the masterpieces, risk permanent damage to the parquet.
slippery and strange stuff in the rest of the house. Never wash, barely a step of vacuum cleaners. Slippery = OK, you can do the "slide to power" (See "School of Rock"). Resistance to drop a dead body because masterpieces for now, excellent.
Music :
the Mountain CD remained the ancestral home for the first few months beyond what we found on I-Tunes, and integrates with some CD's recently purchased or recovered at random.
In the presence of V: \u200b\u200bSteel Panther, Wig Wam, HEAT, The Poodles, The Shining Line.
In the absence of V: \u200b\u200bManowar with buckshot, fur pants, plastic poses, screaming beast, batting in the package, horns to the sky, brothers of metal Ständige tall and proud.
PS rumor that somewhere you nest a washing machine. Task for the weekend: find and understand how it works. Alternative: establish good relations with the old plan above, become the grandson he never had and bring her dirty washing / ironing, getting candy in return and (hopefully) lasagna. The alternative is more feasible.