Magic Circle Festival
July 11, 2010
Tolmin (Slovenia)
The Festival of Manowar. A shameless self-congratulation for Kiss of Heavy Metal. On how the barbarians of New York have become a machine business there would be written, but we are here for. We are here for the Heavy Metal, the studs, the little women are easy, the drawers of stuffed animals, leather benches, wigs with bangs, the idea that time is neither circular nor linear (it is still, since 1982 to date) and hymns against "those guys who want to stop the metal."
If they wanted, Manowar could do a show for 4 hours with all their works, leads unlimited, rallies DeMaio, crippled warriors on stage, arrogant motorcycles, scantily clad women and proclamations of brotherhood, but this time they decided to help some other band desperate.
Here are the band and here are the reasons for their call:
CrossWind : Who has them seen? We were trying to get familiar with the complex system of barter between returnable bottles, coins and pieces of the blacks who had given written monopolies with someone to have that 3 € that card. Realizing that the system irrational could not be rationalized, some have made it a reason and they forgot to shots of beer, while others have decided to challenge the Slovenia trying to convince the attendants that the system was wrong (of course, zero results).
After ingesting food that normally would reject stray dogs, the crew heads for the Soca River, which flows nearby the concerts. The rocky beach is not stopping the horde metal in his underwear and beer in hand, he plunges into the icy waters of the river and pose for the calendar. Of stay on the beach running around the Internet several photos that could ruin the careers of many of us.
METAL FORCE . Called by DeMaio as a shameless copy of Manowar. Please note, copies of by Manowar "Louder Than Hell" on, then simple riffs and double bass impact with a throttle and a few choir anthems here and there. Also try to imitate leather overalls and latex warriors NY endeavor for many years (to compress the abdominal increasingly falling due to old age), but the guitarist adds a touch of Teutonic casual with a yellow raincoat. That said, Metal Force rompers are poor and have sewn them to him her grandmother, but dragon skin. The roly-poly singer Eric Adams could not be invented even if the transplantation of the vocal cords.
VIRGIN STEELE . Mid-afternoon and sounds bad. Indeed, the VS put us of them, with one of two guitarists but no bass (as well as the league keyboards). It almost seems that DeMaio, a friend of the band for years, has called them to make the bully (like when you do call the pool at home and friends do not try to make him but to humiliate them). VS I have also written works on still works hard and focus on those. David DeFeis has stopped time in 1994, fisicaccio dancer and charisma to spare as well as a perfect test voice, hoping to impress some girl and spupazzarsela backstage. On "Crown of Glory" I killed, but resurrected to kill me again on the closing with "The Burning of Rome." Two certainties: 1. this band should play at least 3 hours to satisfy the hunger of fans, 2. DeFeis will be at least 15 years using the same leopard print vest, but how many things we can forgive this little big man!
HOLYHELL . Why is the Festival? Indeed, because they have been to all editions of the Festival? Because the singer is also the woman DeMaio. We note that for the next few years will HolyHell permanent presence. Poor presence would add: even musicians formed by gentlemen (Joe Stump for years trying to be the Malmsteen americano, ma a noi quello svedese basta e avanza; Rhino è stato l'unico batterista decente dei Manowar in 20 anni), si affidano a basi campionate che partono a caso e ci aggiungono parecchi problemi tecnici. La cantante, che potrebbe salvare la situazione in questi casi, si ritrova spaesata e non le viene nemmeno in mente la soluzione estrema: mostrare una tetta per deviare l'attenzione. Cover finale di “Holy Diver” eseguita bene dagli strumentisti, ma ancora una volta brutta figura della donzella, che dimostra di aver imparato (male) il testo 5 minuti prima.
Ma gli HolyHell ci hanno permesso parecchie pause per fare le foto con Sua Maestà DeFeis (e quel babbeo del secondo guitarist, who threw in some shots as if it mattered) and eat the Hot Dog Fucking Metal, 50 cm sandwich filled with filthy filthy verduracce and a huge sausage speziatissima. The opportunity also to look to the Second Stage, just to understand that the band play there in front of friends and relatives, in the context of a sad one: the mess is hard, you know, but at this point plays in the bar, which are at least also to see their classmates.
KAMELOT . They have understood everything. The women on stage as never before ingrifano the Metallaro Kamelot Piazzano and a nice chorus with a very gothic boots by Global Domination. Objective Metalhead Ingrifato: achieved. Rather than ask what the band is good, one wonders why Roy Khan sings almost always on his knees, but maybe it's because he was afraid of all those metalheads Ingrifati. It should also be afraid of her guitarist, given the way in which he molested his wife on stage. On "March of Mephisto" brought on stage two strappone blindfolded and sheathed in dress right: no more than a minute of performance, but there are people who will remember only that.
Why DeMaio called them? I guess for strappone.
ARCH ENEMY . Li I saw in 1998 when the singer had balding. Now they have a viper of a woman (cited Bonny) worse than that burps kebabbaro Via Zermanesa. Even this whore seems to please the public, which responds to his incitement with burps as powerful. Being busy eating ice cream, drinking mead and making me undignified 7-8 thousand photos, I can not say much about performance, except that the boys are as accurate as the designer and the two guitarists Ikea fire solos galore, but as brothers it is also understandable that we always competing to see who's got longer.
Reason convened by DeMaio? Boh, the people said a woman who was singing.
MANOWAR . Può una band suonare solo pezzi dagli ultimi tre album (più il recente mini-CD e “Black Wind, Fire and Steel”) e sconquassare ugualmente il pubblico? Certo che sì, basta alzare il volume oltre i limiti umani. È un po' la tecnica di Vittorio Sgarbi. Ma aggiungiamo che Eric Adams canta in modo eccezionale, è un nano ma ha il muscolo giusto, le zeppe e la panciera. DeMaio è il Gene Simmons del Metal e se potesse mandare un altro sul palco a suonare al posto suo, limitandosi a tenersi lo spazio per il comizio contro “quelli là che odiano il Metallo”, lo farebbe di corsa. Hamzik è un batterista che vale il Columbus twice and one tenth of a Rhino, is so old that seems out of time as well for ZZ Top, but have triggered even if the felts of the battery and also played with the toes seem to shoot Missiles Interstellar. Karl Logan is a mediocre, as in the rhythmic riff and solos, even his wig is in bad taste and outrageous then is slim: how can you play Manowar in if you weigh 60 kg? A cure for steroid Karl: I invoke the Bonny care, steroids for the poor Romanians Logan, because they are too thin and Hamzik \u200b\u200bDemaio, but the first is hidden behind the battery and DeMaio is the head, while Logan does not matter about a $ $ o also allows you to be skinny.
What happened next? Missing the closing of the Review. But this is not a newspaper, and then your affaracci.
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