Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can You Put A Chocolate Bar In A Blender

My life in a box

will remember my post where I tried to sell the furniture in my house .. ..
Here, I wanted to update you on the state of things, so so much for thinking "eye to eye" with friends and vent a little ...
For those who knows me, knows that he does not like to dwell Elaiza and sit on the famous tree to sing, and this year waiting icchè no one knows where we tried to sell the house I was very nervous, this inactivity forced this "no route now because if we do not do this then sells the house ... no way, now unn'andiamo on holiday in a way, because then if you sell the house ..." not to mention non-project much more important to me to be a short wait for the destiny and do not handle it irritates me a lot.

From the time that hath been decided "enough is here and you work" I am rinfervorata ball looked like Opera del Duomo when they found the body of San Zenobi, him and I take it well, and from there - in November - to date - in December - and open house waiting for the builders next Monday, the pace was really quick. Too much perhaps, but prefer it this way, you have to say.
Poro Leo Stay behind vu say ... my brother says the which has the closet full of the halos , boh ... In

du ballet hath been chosen the new kitchen, new cabinet, bookcase, sofa, tile, flooring for the closet, now I doubt seize on the 2000 "but I guessed that with the colors??" but only time will tell. The problem

sell furniture was promptly resolved. I put the photos, listing of course ridiculous, but better than paying someone to come home not to evacuate? and then someone can re-use something that is still in very good condition. Sold

kitchen, sofa sold, sold the table, but then repented then cheat to the table - the television and realized that air pulled committed suicide (I swear, today I am going to finish the boxes and no longer worked!) .
The only thing left was the beautiful furniture in the living room, we had to dispose of the Clover, but that just really really turned m'è boxes.

a seller I know that even - Leo attended the sale at my kitchen ammutolito si è nascosto nella cabina armadio perchè temeva che avrei venduto anche lui.

Ora, in 3 giorni abbiamo fatto tutti gli scatoloni e stipati nell'unica camera che rimarrà sana (oltre il bagno), cioè la nostra. La notte di Natale è stata l'ultima nella nostra casina, ora siamo bellamente accampati a casa Suoceri (porini, che pazienza, tra tutti).
Seba è nel paese dei balocchi, senza asilo nido, coi genitori, coi nonni, tutti all together, pare dopato da com'è felice.

Io nonostante la felicità per le decisioni prese, per il vigore e l'energia che comunque mi danno i cambiamenti, da buona Cancerina soffro come una bestia a toccare, spostare, cover, and have to boxing or worse, or throw all my things, my memories, my sheets, mind indol'era done this and that, photos, cards, books, or suffering that my mother can not understand, or perhaps, just as you did a move in your life ...
was not for me I would have dropped gently to the memories, with music, trailed on the ground, and I slowly objects lying in boxes Modine, smiling for a picture, sfrignoccolando for another .... but the days were few and the many things to do, and the mass of boxing I darkened the brain looked like an automaton, but inside me I have suffered so much.

Among other things I have in the brothel lost in a cosmetic bag that I put my favorite earrings, my necklace and a bracelet that I Breill for 40 years, and do not find it anymore, I feel very Carrie in Paris when no longer find the necklace, then she finds it in lining of the bag, I hope .....

The other side of the coin was good that we found under the couch all the balls of Lucy, the playthings of Sheba in the coffin of the stereo (......) and crescent in the kitchen, which was 8 months, we tried . You see, there is always a positive side in everything.

'm in the mood for confessions tonight, but tomorrow will also put your photos, so you rejoice ..
Happy New Year if you suffer a first ...

Panic and terror

The kitchen ... first ...

... during ....

... now ...

Our room / storage / utility room ....

The living room before ...

... during ....

... now ....

missing ... then! in these photos, we hope soon to be able to write ....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Ultimate Safari Wikipedia

Reporting site.

Ho trovato utile le notizie o, piuttosto, i diversi link rinvenibili site.
In general, for those who love electronics, but not least, he wants to use science and technology for purposes of professional study which sula authenticity of identification documents, for the guidance and movement: in fact, many are the tools that can be found - in particular, I note for the optical materials of wood and the lamps - which suggested sites.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ginger Gene Punnett Square

New Year's Party

Baby, I am the last of the SCAC always, I can now blame the child because nothing is done that, but to tell I am just the truth version grandmother with slippers, I had my way I'd go to bed at 10 the same.
Only the legendary I enjoyed New Year 1999-2000, to around the squares, Briah as tiles, to avoid rauda bottles and glasses smashed and laughing like children.

Well, I a for nothing, but if you want any suggestions you link a site of a party Ganz, which also spoke of the mythical Nelli, then sign bono:) Here it is

and good Annooooo!

Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Make Model Knee Joint

wishes for a Merry Christmas Winter

Greetings to all my dear Bloggersz
Merry Christmas, I wish you a lot of heart health, achieve your dreams and improve yourself

A virtual hug

How Common Is Hiv In Straight Men

Merry Christmas to all ... Presentation

... Whatever you think.

Soon, the world will remember the birth of Jesus Christ.

We wonder whether it is really the son of God or, rather, is a child became a man, certainly marked history.

Well, I believe that Jesus Christ is truly God's son, because I believe in its existence. But I also believe that we are all his children, precisely the same reason and then this little boy's brothers, who in his weakness has shocked the world since its first cry, as witnessed by the history and the stories of how the power of time he feared.

But as a man, I think I have the certainty that this little boy, has shocked not only the rules of power, the system of his time, but was able to introduce innovative principles that have helped to provide a different type of person, different from usual.

The value of the person, as such.

For one reason or another, as believers or secular, I think the message of Dec. 25 is an open message to every thought and belief: respect for the person.

The prayer that I do and will do is to understand more and more the sense of the message of Christmas and the meaning of human dignity, which must be respected not only as a living being.

Merry Christmas to all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Constant Chest Infections

product for document checks


pleasantly I remember the legendary private detective invented by the fertile literary imagination of Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes and his inseparable friend, Dr. Watson.
That method of inquiry that has fascinated many viewers of all ages, I began to follow and comprehend
and that case that could be resolved simply by looking at the scene of the crime: capturing the details and then, collecting all possible clue ... elementary Watson! so close each case, the intriguing and intrigued by the legendary English detective.
Well, to catch a detail, every detail, not just look at what and who you have in front of him, if not strictly adhered to. In order that item is so simple and so full of mystery, which is one with those who use it: the magnifying glass.
With a magnifying glass, you can see what the naked eye can only watch. So just the magnifying glass has become the iconography of science investigation and only looking at the crime scene, you can understand and snatch the most intimate essence and origin: its hidden mystery. "
Obviously, times change and if the root of all research - not only infinitely small, but also, infinitely large, as in space research - there is always a tool that is able to enlarge or to push the little thing and subtle and which, is the same that far, this tool is intended to be affected, positively, the same evolution of the scientific process. Basically, the same evolution of the local police service, as rooted to the land, is today very different from that of yesterday.
different because different is the socioeconomic status of the territory and, above all, the type of people who gravitate. Affects find yourself in some mountain villages, where to find a still stranger who offers to buy some products at low cost: the result of globalization and thus the spraying of boundaries and diversity.
Certainly, the sharing of different cultural values, this is already a value, but, inevitably, the ease with which foreigners - that is, outsiders - reach our territory, implies the need to better identify them and then not only looks but, more importantly, keeping them: of course, not only foreigners, but anyone should be checked for police purposes, for purposes of personal identification.
Clearly, any investigation, however perfect, turns into a stalemate if those who suspect they have not been fully identified: this identification passes, necessarily, for the verification of documents.
Identification documents are not only certifications, supporting documents, where they fall, inextricably, personal and anthropometric data. But I'm definitely a hidden world, made of microprinting, iridescent inks, ologrammi, ecc.
Dunque, quel mondo infinitamente piccolo e apparentemente lontano che, solo se osservabile e quindi osservato, consente di stabilire se un documento sia o meno genuino; se chi lo detiene è o meno affidabile.
Ebbene, il moderno Scherlock Holmes non è così diverso da quello che abbiamo conosciuto tanti anni fa e quindi, ha ancora con se la sua lente di ingrandimento. Ma, come abbiamo già detto, i tempi cambiano.
E' interessante, quindi, scoprire, che l'odierno ingranditore non si compone più di una lente convessa trattenuta da una lamina periferica, dotata di manico: niente di tutto questo.
Anzi, nessuno direbbe che quella sorta di macchina fotografica, non più grande della vecchia lente di ingrandimento, è un microscopio tascabile, capace di effettuare rilievi fotografici sul luogo del fatto e quindi, utilizzabili anche in dibattimento.
Grazie ai due ingrandimenti ottici (10X e 40X) estendibili a 200X ingrandimenti digitali, secondo otto diverse scale di ingrandimento, è possibile apprezzare la qualità di quello che ci viene mostrato come un documento di identificazione o comunque, tutto ciò che necessita di essere ingrandito. Coglierne, appunto, quegli elementi che difficilmente l'occhio nudo può cogliere e difficilmente la semplice descrizione può replicare. Così, il PRO10 non è soltanto una lente di ingrandimento o, per meglio dire un microscopio tascabile, ma una macchina da ripresa digitale che consente rilevamenti macro e panoramici. Operativamente, è quindi possibile effettuare rilievi fotografici del documento, nella sua interezza e quindi, rilevare quei particolari che sono da considerare indici di alterazione.
Tra l'altro, l'apparecchio è dotato di otto led a luce bianca variabile, che possono essere utilizzati, anche singolarmente o a gruppi omogenei, per distribuire la luce radente e quindi acquisire quelle informazioni ottiche utili a rendere più evidente una stampa in rilievo. Certamente, uno strumento davvero completo, potrebbe essere dotato di led a "luce blu" per rilevare segni non visibili alla "luce bianca". La qualità dell'immagine è garantita anche dalla possibilità di adattare il microscopio the different backgrounds on which stands the image to be recorded, the landscape, especially on a light background, light gray, dark gray and black.
screen, thanks to an integrated program, you can then play a grid for parameters with a micrometer scale by which to make measurements on the spot. Similarly, it is possible to have a static image in memory, the dynamic image of the subject we are taking, so to make any comparisons there. The portable microscope
PRO10, also allows you to shoot video and to interface directly with the PC via a dedicated program, whereby it is possible that certain services the image, and likewise, you can play both images, in movies, on a standard TV set, thanks to the complete kit in the product.
I think this tool could really help sull'ingrandimento founded in research, development and acquisition of a site, without the need for on-site magnifiers, by definition, to achieve the same purpose, need at least the presence of a laptop.

The author states that what they represent, not to be much, if not the presentation of a text or a professional, considered useful to the local police service. This
to exclude any possible riferimento pubblicitario, dal quale questi possa trarre un qualsiasi vantaggio personale.
In tal senso, resta disponibile a leggere testi eventualmente proposti alla sua attenzione, così come a testare strumenti professionali che possono risultare utili a migliorare l'attività del controllo del territorio.

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this product for document checks

MAGIC WAND portable scanner

È consentito restare scettici, quando un commerciante ci propone l'acquisto di un prodotto che non conosciamo, sul solo presupposto che quanto ci viene raccontato non sembra così credibile? personalmente, I think not.
If nothing else, just because of the fact that the right to criticize, pass, necessarily, for the duty of obtaining knowledge.
And then I tried to learn a lot of p
ore than what I was told, to cover that "WandTM Magic" is only the trade name of "magic wand", but, of magic, this product, there's nothing if not a particular technology that allows you to use some sort of rectangular dimensions of 25.4 x3X2, 7 cm and weighs 180 g., as a common desktop scanner.
fact, the "Magic WandTM" is capable of scanning a large number of documents and images (Up to fill a memory card to 32 GB), in black and white or color, with double resolution of 300 or 600 dpi.
In all this man has the simple task - simple really, as a dust sheet - to drag the optical sensor, whose straight driving is ensured by four small rolls and thus, their scans, they appear of excellent quality; Besides, if something does not fit, a red light will alert the operator of the need to repeat the scandione. But this, at least in my experience, it did not happen.
The images themselves are stored in a removable card and, via a USB cable and a dedicated client program can be saved directly on the PC, even through a rescue operation, which allows you to transform an A4 sheet in a sheet A3, so you can create files in pdf, tif (OCR), zip, or send the picture or document to track mail. The reading of the file does not install any program, and then, the readability of the same immediately.
Therefore, a tool that can be used in the office or offices, to scan documents off-site or who can not be moved from the place where you are, or even into special glass boards. In fact, the scanner must be simply passed over the text or image that is sought.
The simplicity and practicality d'uso del "Magic WandTM " consente quindi di acquisire il contenuto delle pagine dei libri, come l'immagine di un documento che deve essere acquisito. Nei servizi di polizia stradale e di controllo del territorio, si comprende subito l'utilità di un simile attrezzo, al fine di scansionare polizze assicurative, documenti di identificazione, ecc.
Tenuto conto poi della elevata risoluzione dell'immagine scansionata, è del tutto evidente che un controllo sul monitor, dell'immagine stessa, può evidenziare l'assenza o meno di sistemi si sicurezza, quali microscritture ed altro e quindi, risultare uno strumento che va a completare il "laboratorio" del falso documentale su strada. Non da meno, con la semplice ed opportuna copertura con a transparent sheet of the characteristic signs that remain imprinted on the vehicles involved in road accidents, it is also possible to scan long portions of land - at least up to a meter in length - a vehicle so as to reproduce the salient features then, similarly, it is possible to scan tread pattern, rather than the surface of the surface course or a trace of braking feature ...
short, nothing magical, but a product that can become magical in the light of the versatility and intuition of those who want to make a professional use.

The author states that what they represent, not to be much, if not the presentation of a text or a product professional, considered useful to the local police service. This
to exclude any possible reference to advertising, from which they can derive any personal benefit.
Thus, it remains available to review any proposed texts to his attention, as well as to test professional tools that can help to improve the activity of territorial control.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Motorcycle Trials Clipart

An appeal to respect ... Happy holidays

... mine, of course, is a voice in the choir.
But if that voice could contribute to a reflection, I like to express it.
few days, students learn to show again in Rome.
Frankly I'm worried. Unlike
yesterday, the demonstrations do not seem to be an expression of unease that the social forces (parties, unions, etc..) organized, until you reach the symbols of power.
Today, certain events are spontaneous and outside of real guidelines for party or trade union. They appear rather as a gesture of anger, despair, deep discomfort that leads the masses, not so much to show, what, more, to march.
For Wednesday, in short, the result is a kind of "March on Rome" that threatens to annihilate itself on the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom and dignity that needs to be recognized that fewer and fewer citizens.
missing in this country, a true and its power of government perceived as such by the Italian people, but also lacks a real opposition force that, at most, only the expression of dissent against a person who was capable of corporatization of the State. This model of state-
company is clearly not like it, because the major "shareholders" - the citizens - have deserted the vote.
But the model-state company can not function and the desertion of the vote can not be solved as a grim economic calculation and financial delegated the Exchange.
The desertion of the vote, it means the loss of use the only opportunity that the people italianoe namely to express their own conception of the state and, therefore, the government program.
I get the impression that Wednesday will be in place, students and police. One to exercise reasonably be, their right to demonstrate, the other, reasonably be preeposti the defense of institutional symbols.
My fear is that there are among the first people who have no other purpose than to hit the state, as such, and then the whole Italian people, not least, there are among the main characters that deviated more do not have than to ignite the fuse, both united in order to exert a destabilizing effect, moreover, could undermine the purpose of the event.
no coincidence that some people are already talking about a kind of martial law prior going to affect the intentions of the demonstrators rather than the actions: laws of this type are certainly an ax kick to the Republican sequoia. But not least, rash actions within the event can trigger a fire that is not to destroy the property of innocent citizens, but set fire to the sequoia same Republican.
So, if I may express a voice in the choir I would say to students and protesters in general.
You are a mass of decent people who feel wronged that their fundamental rights, which have every right to rebel against those who allow or tolerate this. There are the tools of democracy to defend itself and that incites violent uprising, is moving you in a swamp of quicksand that not only sprovvduti mud, but all of them.
known and Rome, not to march on Rome.
provide an opportunity for those who have only the face uncovered, because there is no need to express voice, words, writings.
Who wears a helmet, the hood, the bar, chain, cobblestone, wants to march on Rome and then in your interest isolatelo, cast it away, so the police do not confuse with a marching a protester. Manifest
up where you can manifest, showing yourself, to the Italian people and the world that you can not stand most of what is happening, but people are respectful of the rules, including the limit marked by a hypothetical "Red line".
Do not exceed that limit.
The moment in which the architect who oltrepassarete offer your opportunity to discredit the legitimate clubs, as dangerous to democratic institutions.
Stop before that limit: Lift up your portfolio, you express your slogans and do it with a smile and a grimace of anger.
This is your true social victory.
If there is a "diversion system," that has the power to respond to aggression and that will remain in the collective imagination, the image of the event seditious. That power used against you will surely be justified by the need to attack the state and have lost a chance to show who you are and what you want.
The novelty, however, in the eyes of the Italian people and the world will be that of peaceful demonstration, where no one has reason to dress up - illegally - to the revolt, to fight un'antisommossa legittimamnente waiting only to be exercised.
Gandhi won the powerful government employment, not with sprag and rifles, but with the words:

- We must become the change we want to see
- buy the right to criticize a person severely only when we can convince her of our love and the fairness of our court, and when we are sure not to get angry if our opinion not is accepted or respected
- In a democracy, no fact of life eludes policy
- I object to violence because when it apparently does good the good is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent
- Remember that there are at all times been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end always fall, always
- Violence is the weapon weaker, non-violence, the strong
- The human voice can never reach the distance traveled by the voice of conscience
Listen to the voice of your conscience, individual protesters and your collective consciousness, and those will be your true guide to freely express thoughts, as guaranteed by our Constitution.

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Statue "Winter" Pietro Francavilla - Ponte Santa Trinita - Florence

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Census Bureau Management Test Questions

Chez moi ....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Anglo Irish Bank Rates

I'm a survivor ....

Yes, after 25 hours are in the warmth of home My ... The apocalypse
Florentine I am living on the skin, and has been weighing heavy.
But now I'm home for a few hours, the warmth, to rethink and discard the tension of the last few hours ... because as my loved ones were all safe and sound, I could not think of all those in the white shit up to his neck, and I somatization as they say.

Tomorrow I will however, my tour to Bronzino, almost all confirmed to me, if someone wanted to come last I have some more tickets, because the cancellations.

See you at 10.20 am in Piazza Strozzi!

Bona kids!

What Causes Reversal Of Cervical Lordosis

With the advent of electronic mail, the first of several Facebook, Twetter, etc.., I started a "path epistrolare" with the various contacts along the way, met in person and on my way a local policeman.
In this way, Easter and Christmas have in some way, marked the steps required to propose ideas and make it my personal wishes for the best things during these holidays.
The Feast, for that matter, is or should be - at least in our imagination of Westerners - a time of celebration, in fact.
Moreover, aging, gli entusiasmi tendono ad essere sostituiti dalle preoccupazioni o forse, vi sono più motivi, oggi, per preoccuparsi, che non ve ne fossero, ieri, per non preoccuparsi.
Così non posso non ricordare un recentissimo lutto che ha colpito la Polizia Stradale di La Spezia, ma ciascun operatore della polizia stradale. La giovane Sovraintendente Maria Teresa Marcocci, infatti, ci ha lasciati, durante un banale controllo: un ubriaco, incidentato. Il maltempo e, qualcuno dice, la sorte, si è messo di traverso ed un ramo di una pianta l'ha ghigliottinata come una condannata a morte. Lei, è la cinquantanovesima vittima del lavoro, caduta nell'adempimento del dovere, dal 1990 ad oggi. Invito per questo a vedere il filmato pubblicato alla web page in memory of the victims, but because of this, I propose a first reflection.
Why, when a cop dies, no one talks to victims of work or, as in the case of Maria Theresa, it is said that it was his time? Because if a worker falls from un'imaplcatura, or is trapped by the gas tank, it comes to victims of work? because in these cases is not their time but we are talking about situations that should not happen? What makes the life of a policewoman less dignified life as any other worker? ... but this happens and I think it's just a reflection on us.
never dies by case, no work, so less in those who is a policeman. Why
who wears a uniform and crosses the threshold of the house, he never knows if they will return, as it prepares to fight his "good fight". From small disagreements with the public, who flock to those who have a uniform all the hardships of this world to the greatest hardships, culminating in demonstrations against a public authority incompetent, which are easy to vent frustrations about police commanders to guarantee order public. When you go out on patrol was well aware that you may encounter on our way a criminal who knows who we are and why we saimo (because we have a uniform that identifies us, a few among many), but that remains for us one of the tanti sconosciuti che ha provato a rapinare il patrimonio di altri, mettendo in gioco di rapinare per sempre la nostra vita; o magari si fa un controllo, ci si predispone a fare una deviazione del traffico, consapevoli che siamo in mezzo al maltempo a cercare di salvaguardare la sicurezza degli altri a discapito della nostra.
Perché accade tutto questo? perchè ci crediamo.
Perché non siamo vittime del lavoro? perché a gli altri fa comodo crederlo.
E allora, il mio augurio, per questo Natale, va ovviamente, primo fra tutti, alla famiglia di Maria Teresa che non conosco - come non conoscevo Lei - ma che in certo qual modo, è un po' anche la mia famiglia. Affinché sia consolata dall'idea che questa donna ha combattuto his "good fight" and as such should be remembered: a worker who did his job until the end, the protection of others before herself.
And then there is another very vivid memory that is the recent demonstration of in Rome. Inconceivable attack on a Minister of the Republic to a student only for this reason, in a normal country, would force the minister to resign for failing to control their emotions and therefore the future of our nation. But, on the other hand, there is the inconceivable silence of the students who have deplored the behavior of those who have beaten, again, Polz, who was there to do his job.
Of course, first there was the right manifest: a sacred right recognized by the Constitution to protect freedom.
But on the other side was the duty of the police to charge those who, taking advantage of this right, exercised the same to the detriment of private and public property and, above all, against democratic institutions.
Meanwhile, in Parliament, the parliamentary brawl came out strong images of MPs who are hurt, beaten, ... unable to talk and demonstrate to the Italian people, who pretend to represent, there is a different way of loving to this battered country and are fed up. Here
a wish. A sincere wish that Christmas, which accounts for both believers and to unbelievers, the Love day, which is identified with the innocent and the weak force of a Child: well, this Christmas, bring inner peace in our hearts of citizens so that the second deals with institutional interest and not personal, any serious problem of the country and where it is necessary to change a government structure, do so under the rules of law which are still the sintesiu a shared reason and not the manifestation of atavistic rage.
Finally, the last thought, I turn to the families of young girls not only in Puglia in southern Italy, but also productive in northern Italy (as if to prove that there is a southern issue but an Italy that is to remain united , even in pain, even in an earthquake, as in the flood) are gone and that in recent days close to Christmas, are no longer in the family. In a normal country, some things should never happen, but these things happen and we show how, despite everything, we are still weak and helpless, our dearest affections. And then this last wish is for families, to the serenity of the Christmas reaches, reaches us, perhaps demonstrating that there is a much higher value consumer goods, items, goods: more love, family , that of the first natural society that is at the service of their loved ones, to build a family and then a country family, within which, you should learn to recognize that even those who value family, conceiving a different way of loving, joined in a partnership, which is only guaranteed if and only if, the parties involved, know how to love each other.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Securing Large Mirrors

Freedom of action and expression?

We owe it to ask if, in view of the just right to defend rights that are to be, violated, you feel entitled to destroy a city like Rome.
I wonder what does all those poor people that has suffered the devastation of their jobs, the destruction of the car cost him years of work, that what does the historical-cultural heritage that belongs to the Italian people and every citizen, in particular, with the right to manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero?
La risposta, sta in ciò che resta di una Città e di un Paese ferito.
Sì, perché Roma e l'Italia è stata ferita: barbaramente ferita!
Ferita da un branco di scalmanati che per le belle strade e piazze romane, non ha saputo far di meglio che distruggere quelle cose esposte alla pubblica fede, sol per questo degne di maggior rispetto; ma analoghi scalmanati hanno violato le stanze del potere, come un branco di sciacalli sulle prede da divorare: questa è l'immagine che a noi cittadini restano delle odierne vicende "romane".

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is There Any Way To Help A Dog With Cataracts?

sale! Show

probably remember that a year ago we tried to sell the house ... here, after a year, attempts to privately first, then with real estate agencies, lowering the price etc, we decided to give up, to stop having people down at home, to constantly block type photograph our daily activities, like eating sprawl, play, sleep because "people had to come and then we put everything in order leviamoci the suit" and we decided to regroup here, doing the work, or moving the kitchen in the room so that Seby has his room.
will begin in January, and the reasons why I tell my own business so blatantly are
- I am a hysterical
- 2 will be under a bridge
- 3 change the furniture, and we need your help to sell it!
So if you're interested, or know someone who is interested, we sell:

- Cooking "Veneta Cucine" complete with appliances (except dishwasher and sink) to measure, with hood space, kept very well, has 8 years of life but does not show really

- Dining table glass and iron, also with 4 chairs wanting Calligaris

- beautiful and very confortable sofa, 3 chairs plus chaise longue on the right side, sage green color, with storage underneath the long, and double sofa bed slats welded and mattress for ten

- Mobile-library lounge, truly like new, beautiful dark wenge, with two roomy drawers, space and books and etc. Put dishes.

- Daewoo TV with built-in speakers in perfect working
I helped to put 'this stuff?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Uremia Glomerulonephritis


Dear bloggersszz,
here is the first of the autumn-winter 2010-2011 Elaiza Tours

Exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi Bronzino
A painter and poet of the Medici court, Do not miss a beautiful exhibition, portraits and much more like photographs

When? Sunday, December 19, in the middle of last minute shopping hysterical gifts, we are at 10.20 in Piazza Strozzi for a visit a couple of hours in total

Ticket Euro 20,00 , including input, headphones, caffeine and resumed course the best guides of the world, that I myself moi meme

Max 25 pax, so hurry Ladies and Signor, and book or request more information please write to me at email

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wwe Best Of Degeneration-x Megaplaud

At Christmas we are all better people

December has begun, and already the streets are all decorated with beautiful Christmas lights that especially with these brines are pulling a lot lately " mmm I wish I were in my little house with a cup of Ciobar to scaciollarmi feet and watching the telly "A
you make will affect you" around and go to the ATM lightning "? ehh everyone has their own tastes.

Well, I thought that I still have to do the tree, because in my house it was December 1, whereas Ille-et-set that must be done on 8 December, and then still no tree ...
You did? and the crib? when she had children was a rite bellissimo: s'andava con il mi babbo a cercare il muschio nel bosco, il pungitopo e poi si faceva un presepe che l'italia in miniatura ci faceva un baffo, con tanto di collinette finte, fiumi fatti col domopak e il muschio vero!!! Attra roba

Ora l'è grassa se si fa l'albero finto cinese, non è più una cosa sentitissima e mi dispiace ora che c'è Sebastian non sentirci più così tanto.

Ma una cosa si può fare, e ve la segnalo. Al Meyer , oltre che le donazioni normali, le bomboniere ( che noi abbiamo fatto per il battesimo di Sebastian) etc hanno inventato anche un'altra cosa carina per racimolare i soldini per aiutare i bambini: tutta una serie di gadget natalizi, pallini, stars, but also the classic corporate packages typical of this period! And everything would be donated, a beautiful thing!
Last year they collected 300,000 Euros!
Go to the link and tell us a little thought

INTERNOS And then said, as the last thing to consider of course, but you know, donations can be downloaded from 730.

gifts you how are you? Have you already begun? This year I'm not in the mood for anything, I would make it almost, but because I have no time and head to put there mind to think and turn, and this is one thing that truly saddens me ...

Tea Bags For Toothache

Tournament Calendar

Thursday evening after a long long time I went out with two amiche, cioè con la Simona e la Nelli , e abbiamo deciso di andare a cena alla Giostra . Io era una vita che gli facevo la punta, tutti questi turisti che continuamente mi chiedevano " la Giouschtra " (come lo pronunciano loro) e anche tanti italiani che me ne parlavano, di questo tipo nobile pieno di braccialetti e tatuaggi, insomma via, si prepara il portafogli a organino e si va.

Normalmente è un posto da 2 seating, 07,30 (anche 07,00) e 09,30 (anche 09,45) - stranamente ci prendono alle 08,00 senza batter ciglio. Buono.

Sfido tempo e traffico fiorentino, vado in macchina e comincia la roulette del cerca-parcheggio. Mi ero già vista disperata e col tacco a camminare dal parcheggio di Sant'Ambrogio, invece giro alle Poste di via Pietrapiana (a due passi dal ristorante che è in Borgo Pinti) e tac uno mi fa retromarcia - non ci posso credere, sicuramente c'è una bega, sicuramente questo parcheggio sarà la solita allegoria degli uomini sui 30 anni, cioè quando li trovi liberi c'è sempre un problema, o son a rimozione forzata o sono per portatori di handicap .
Invece il parcheggio è valido, wow!!

Arrivo, entratina super low profile, con solo un'insegna non luminosa, e dalla vetrina sbirci poco - entro e mi colpisce subito per quanto è piccolo e semplice, sembra di essere nella casa della signora Minù, tavolini di legno, lume di candela su tutti i tavoli, e al soffitto le lucine classiche di Natale, che insieme alle candele sono l'unica fonte di illuminazione del locale - chissà fuori periodo natalizio se ce l'hanno?

Impressione, molto molto caldo, carino, intimo, romantico, charming , mi è piaciuto tantissimo.

Servizio simpatico e alla mano, ci portano questo menu lunghissimo, inglese e italiano, dove c'è in primis la storia del locale, che dice che dal 1640 era il locale dove tenevano un carosello, una giostra appunto, infatti i soffitti sono esageratamente belli e caratteristici.

Il proprietario dice che è un principe diretto discendente degli Asburgo-Lorena, wow tanta stuff, but the son, ie the type with tattooed bracelets and unfortunately is on holiday in Libya, and we would not have known.

We are going to read the menu that is very long and interesting, while enjoying a prosecchino on the house.

menu chock full of pulp and flesh - actually many variations to suit all tastes, including some fish. Tuscan cuisine in general but rather revisited, I have not seen the classic stuff like ribollita jelly etc, but I have seen, however, the pappardelle with wild boar fillet meat in every way ...

We have brought a platter of mixed starters, a tribute to the house, which has really impressed: there were croutons chicken liver, garlic bread, sausage, stuffed zucchini, celery, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, and ricotta and zucchini balls delicious

We chose the first two to be divided into 3, and we have chosen:

- tortelloni butter sauce with leek and pumpkin flowers - good, but some few to be divided into 3, we have perhaps the wrong choice, because they were 5 in number

- penne gorgonzola, pistachio and pear and these were many and very good indeed

second we improvidently decided to make a dish each, and Simon and I moved to take the Wiener Schnitzel with various sauces and side dishes, the Nelli Turtle the thread, which is not a strange thing but simply a thread with a chapel above

porcini mushroom dishes arrived and we thought to be on Seriously .... portions of the Wiener Schnitzel is not great, not huge, huge! We could easily eat 3 with one, but me and Simon, we had taken a head!

I had never seen such a thing in my life. But we were full, we ate a lot of meat, among other very good, but it seemed we had not even touched ...

In short, we made do doggy bag! Americans of the beast, but who cares, I've got to feed the family 3 consecutive days.

The sweet unfortunately we have not got, and those who bear it ...

The bill? non-economic , but even a stone as expected:
2 / 1, 3 / 2, a bowl Fonterutoli - 145.00 Euro. In short way, not cheap, but I do not know why I got the idea to give us a 70in, so that I was so happy.

The only flaw is that if they had warned of the gigantic portions we would have done differently, so even the sweet taste ... sin. But instead

valid advice
Borgo Pinti 10 / r Florence

055 241 341

Open every day, even under these parties never close

The recere photos are a little bit, but the light did not help!

mixed appetizer on the house

Bellini mini sandwiches!

The first two

The mega portion in comparison with my mobile phone!

doggy bag!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Help For Pain Of A Cyst On Rectum


to make emotional return to the shock cancellation of the tour of the Bargello, as promised the legendary and much sought public (!) Calendar of upcoming tour, which of course will follow individual communications with the details and everything.

Notebook in hand, pen, Via!

Sunday, December 19 - Exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi Bronzino

Tuesday, January 4 - Tour of recovery Elaiza a Tour, or the medieval town and the Bargello Museum, the exhibition of ocn Leonardo and Rustici

Saturday, January 29 - Church and cloisters Santa Maria Novella

Saturday February 26 or Saturday, March 5 (depending on when I want to leave!) - Convent of San Marco and a pearl: the Cloister of the Scalzo

Saturday, March 26 - In search of the Medici family: Palazzo Medici-Riccardi and the Church of San Lorenzo

Saturday, April 30 - my love Michelangelo Buonarroti: Medici Chapel and Academy

All tours will be in the morning, from 10:00 am to about 2-3 hours.

If you want to join my mailing list to inform you that the next tour Notify your email address to my