Defending the indefensible ...
... following Ballarò, last night, it struck me so much he is charged with Mr Silvio Berlusconi, who, rightly, have to judge the judges.
What strikes me is rather than all'indifendibile this attitude: the face of objective facts, it bulldozing on skills, about how to establish an offense, the need to avoid the interrogation of security, thus demonstrating that, as Minister of Justice, had no confidence in Justice and as a member of the Board of permissions (who has not read the papers that directly affect), are shocked that people can know and judge the facts.
It amazes me the language of a political party that still speaks of Mr. Berlusconi, as the savior of an old-communist country, as that the Christian Democrat government and penta never existed and as if the crime has not represented unless Moro the most obvious contrast to the so-called historic compromise between DC and PCI, certainly to demonstrate a language that still throws out of the hat of fear, old psychological legacies that allowed fascism to become a dictatorship already, as opposed to so-called "red" period, with the support of the bourgeoisie and the Church, certainly not supporters of Benito Mussolini, but less afraid of the notorious "red" that Mussolini would destroy, destroying all of Italy.
And if Mr. Berlusconi wants to make his house a brothel for prostitution, rather than a shelter for the poor, well, frankly I do some 'care less. Sure, I wish the Prime Minister of my country to be put in the condition of not being physically attacked them, ne moralmente, perché un Primo Ministro aggredibile, non offre garanzie allo Stato che si è impegnato a difendere e a gestire nel milgiore dei modi. E dunque, sentire ancora il Ministro della Giustizia che certifica la possibilità a chiunque di accedere alla casa del Sig. Silvio Berlusconi, perché è nel suo carattere - ma forse, quando uno decide di fare il Capo del Governo dovrebbe mettere da parte il proprio carattere, per il carattere istituzionale che lo contraddistingue - mi turba non poco.
Credo che stiamo scendendo verso il basso, mentre, occasionalmente, ci scandalizziamo di eventi sempre più gravi, ma rispetto ai quali, sempre di più ci abituiamo a leggerli come accadimenti "normali", perdendo quel senso di indignazione that people in a mature and mature into a coalition - not the opposition, but the government - should inspire.
There is a perverse mechanism, depression, social and that is to lead people to believe that you have reached the end and then something will change. But as time passes, things change and even worsen as before to power of Nazism and Fascism, millions of human beings, passively, were exterminated with the idea that sooner or later something would change.
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