But for me the quiet life invent.
In fact, I invented TOT, choose the one that best suits you.
Why the blogger has launched a lucrative career as a smuggler and has no time should help the best minds to flee from Italy to be the last existing brain here and then witty jokes that only he understands.
Because V keeps him locked up at home to mind the Furby.
Why blogger is 8 hours a day in the gym and is home only to sleep and eat Fage.
Because there is no blogger, these are people who write random things at random, without any compared to the homogeneity of the blog and for the Italian language.
Because the blogger is too busy to read "History of Indian Philosophy", which is complicated and deserves a 6-day meditation for each line read.
Why bloggers do not receive money for this: being greedy as Uncle Scrooge, she hopes that people will sooner or later ask him to write crap paid.
Why is the only free time before dinner (but the V wants to go drinking in middle) or after dinner (but you have to play Risk against V and the Furby).
to you ...
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