Yes, ladies and gentlemen we are finally back home. Well after 2 months, 54 days to be precise, I suppose you remember the post about ...
Sunday the 20 My day off is spent with sadness and boredom at home with sick while Seba was illegal in the move up and down.
Sunday night we went to Leo and I sleep at home, without Nano, One moment to put in place before the arrival of the casino.
And this photo is taken on Monday morning at breakfast, before dell'Elaiza Tour of San Marco, among other things went very well, I'm looking forward to Saturday to make the second round:) But not digress
, Monday afternoon I went to retrieve Seba, and we got all 3 in the new casino ... that huge flash ... the boy was very upset, you know the change was great, go home / nest stra-mega-super-coccolato/viziato grandparents, a questo in pratica nuovo posto, ancora parecchio incasinato, a dormire nella sua camerina, solo, insomma un gran bel change per un cacherozzolo come lui, e sinceramente anche per noi...
Le cosine stanno trovando piano piano il suo posto, la casa sembra sempre meno un accampamento profughi, la gioia è enorme.
Venite a pigliare un caffè??
Il nostro ex salotto.... com'era

... pittura...

... prende forma...

.. e ora...
salotto angolo cottura :)

salotto angolo cottura :)

L'ingresso, sembra infestato dai fantasmi...

..e ora..

... durante.... sob sigh...

Ah, per la cronaca, cucina e divano venduti grazie al mitico sito www.subito.it !
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