Parking fee to "Reservoir Dogs" ...
Someone is considered that these transmissions are protected by our rights as citizens and, perhaps, is partly true. Interesting debate on this
But the real problem is that in Italy has lost his sense of proportion and you write and say whatever you want, resulting in the citizens, further mistrust of the institutions. Ultimately, with transmission more or less "free" we replace the organs of institutional control, at least, they move within the limits set by law and legal according to a dialectic that can settle on a case by case basis.
Nevertheless, certain programs have, do and do just that echo to particularly grave situations, not with respect to which the institutions, but the men of the institutions are latent. In any case, the right are chronic not believe that it coincides with the right to criticize its own sake, if not to tell the truth, avoiding sensationalism and extreme reactions than phenomena, at least, questionable.
not want more speed cameras on the roads? you no longer want the pricing of parking? you want to lower the lights? ... In short, you want to delete the rules of the road to make each second nature, instead of according to law?
's a choice that I personally, but if that is you'd better be decided by the Italian people and not by those who shoot bigger, just to increase the share, compared with a mechanism of emulation for which citizens expose and expose the government to expensive lawsuits, not because a judge ruled, but because he said a television program. A rule is valid and in force, not because it was published in the OJ, because broadcast TV.
Take the highway code and read what a track (Article 3, paragraph 1, number 7 code): "... it is usually paved and bordered by edge lines ...". In essence, the outer boundaries of the roadway by edge lines is not mandatory but, in general, is bounded. Why should define the edge lines, especially when even a parking lot boundary within which are placed parking stalls? Not so much for defining the edge of the roadway - which are visible per se, in fact and law (Article 139, paragraph 10 of the Regulation) - but to define, where appropriate, any areas of action needed to make the parking within the parking stalls. No coincidence that the paragraph 3 of art. 141 of the Regulation must be made indicating how the edge lines of the roadway, states that are staple to separate the roadway from the "... places or parking areas and driveways ...", therefore, areas within of which occur maneuvers that, in this case, favor the parking areas or parking (for the note) provided for the purpose, where vehicles must be placed in the manner prescribed by the sign (Article 157, paragraph 5 code ). And besides, what
il parcheggio? E' l'area (e dunque lo spazio, il piano, comunque delimitato ed organizzato) o l'infrastruttura posta fuori dalla carreggiata (di per sé, perché è connaturata e connaturale allo scopo per cui è stata realizzata, senza bisogno di particolari accorgimenti segnaletici di delimitazione, se non di localizzazione, mediante stalli) destinata alla sosta regolamentata o non (art. 3, comma 1, numero 34) codice).
Allora tutto ruota intorno alla infelice collocazione (piuttosto che prescrizione) del comma 6 dell'art. 7 del codice ovvero, subito dopo il comma 5 dello stesso articolo che tratta dei parcheggi a pagamento.
E' chiaro che solo una lettura pretestuosa e non sistematica - come dovrebbe fare un giurista that does not stop the particular, but all over the world are wondering about the legislation or the so-called legal system, itself subject to the rules of interpretation and integration - even speculating on the location of a paragraph of one article of the highway code and of its rules. For what purpose?
Well, I'm thinking ... without too much honor. It
for the cause of Human Rights (first of all that security, which also involves respect for the rules of parking), nor for the social cause. For if you want to do serious journalistic investigation, you should have the patience to look for those situations of non-stop relationship between pay and free support or, as in this case, di quelle situazioni nelle quali le strisce di margine (indipendentemente che il parcheggio sia o meno regolamentato, sia o meno a pagamento ma, in concreto, pericoloso, perché troppo prossimo alle correnti di traffico) non andrebbero tracciate " genere..." ma andrebbero tracciate e basta.
Certo, quei solerti cittadini che auspicano di parcheggiare ad un metro dal bancone del bar o all'ingresso dell'aula di scuola ove vorrebbero scaricare il pargoletto - possibilmente tutto a gratis e con buona pace della polizia stradale - non sarebbero così interessati come adesso, quando gli si prospetta di non pagare una giusta sanzione che garantisce a tutti di sostare perché...beh, forse lo abbiamo dimenticato: la strada non è un parco giochi for adults, but the area of \u200b\u200bpublic use intended for circulation (including parking) for all, including pedestrians and animals of all and not only the most uneducated and arrogant that paying for parking, to avoid the road, home.
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