Friday, January 21, 2011

Can Pregnant Women Get Worms

Post No. 300! E-Greetings Seba Duenna

I have passed on words from the distant first post , rivers and streams of pegs, restaurant reviews, transcripts of the mythical Fiorentina , vent personal trip, photos, the history of Sebastian from the debut with the picture of first echo and the pregnancy test , who sent down the tear to many of you, to guide reporter style of delivery, the museums, the legendary glossary Tuscan in general all my life I've decided to share on the web, you can think of good or evil, but to me I like it and I can not help it, Nor is it just to show off your instinct is to stop in time and having to write things and emotions, so that will always remain by force:)

I swear that my favorite sport is recapture and re-read post at random, and how I laugh too, that the series "if the does and if he laughs." and then .... if you are a silly one you want, but you also do a joke vu, vu I know you know that there are so many to look and read voluntarily! :)

and when did the blogcena? draws a blogcena? by ganzissimo would.

Meanwhile many of you are or will in the future to my Elaiza Tours, and already have a form of a blog-meet!

In short, they tell you, and thank you thank you thank you to read and give me the desire to continue writing despite the lack of time and sometimes fanciful, continued thanks to you

And to celebrate I put too pretty a picture of the birthday of Seba Duenna, now you all know by now, a child is known by the media, maybe I will pull du nocchini be great for this, but meanwhile do not realize it:)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Multiplecation Chart To 100x100


Giampi, V and Furby celebrate the new connection

... because this is the first post of the story being published shamelessly stealing the connection to a generous neighbor, even if unaware.
Yet, if the individual concerned to know what his connection is set (also used for masturbation angry and online poker), surely would accept the situation without flinching. Allow myself to update this blog that seems to the Desert of the Tartars is an act that has no equal.
Libiamo involuntary generosity and that of others and then add that ...

... in 2011 the Hit Parade of Geeks already have an enviable pedigree from the points leader. In his first public appearance (after years in a mental institution) the character has made the following undertakings:
1. Invade the stage of Mr. No and take the barrel out of 5 3 components;
2. Getting lost in a box of 4x3 meters, stunning level of organization applying for racing;
3. Already being thrown from the stage by a young girl with masculine traits and the thong in sight (applause from the audience for a loincloth);
4. Mimic the poses of Axl Rose at the end of the concert, clipping the microphone and unattended by the engineer angry tattooed;
5. Try scrubbing the microphone after he hid behind a column, the engineer would like to thank and affects the stomach.

Even if you do not see each other again, the memory will remain indelible.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nadine Jansen Fotos Big Tits

Defending the indefensible ...

... following Ballarò, last night, it struck me so much he is charged with Mr Silvio Berlusconi, who, rightly, have to judge the judges.
What strikes me is rather than all'indifendibile this attitude: the face of objective facts, it bulldozing on skills, about how to establish an offense, the need to avoid the interrogation of security, thus demonstrating that, as Minister of Justice, had no confidence in Justice and as a member of the Board of permissions (who has not read the papers that directly affect), are shocked that people can know and judge the facts.
It amazes me the language of a political party that still speaks of Mr. Berlusconi, as the savior of an old-communist country, as that the Christian Democrat government and penta never existed and as if the crime has not represented unless Moro the most obvious contrast to the so-called historic compromise between DC and PCI, certainly to demonstrate a language that still throws out of the hat of fear, old psychological legacies that allowed fascism to become a dictatorship already, as opposed to so-called "red" period, with the support of the bourgeoisie and the Church, certainly not supporters of Benito Mussolini, but less afraid of the notorious "red" that Mussolini would destroy, destroying all of Italy.
And if Mr. Berlusconi wants to make his house a brothel for prostitution, rather than a shelter for the poor, well, frankly I do some 'care less. Sure, I wish the Prime Minister of my country to be put in the condition of not being physically attacked them, ne moralmente, perché un Primo Ministro aggredibile, non offre garanzie allo Stato che si è impegnato a difendere e a gestire nel milgiore dei modi. E dunque, sentire ancora il Ministro della Giustizia che certifica la possibilità a chiunque di accedere alla casa del Sig. Silvio Berlusconi, perché è nel suo carattere - ma forse, quando uno decide di fare il Capo del Governo dovrebbe mettere da parte il proprio carattere, per il carattere istituzionale che lo contraddistingue - mi turba non poco.
Credo che stiamo scendendo verso il basso, mentre, occasionalmente, ci scandalizziamo di eventi sempre più gravi, ma rispetto ai quali, sempre di più ci abituiamo a leggerli come accadimenti "normali", perdendo quel senso di indignazione that people in a mature and mature into a coalition - not the opposition, but the government - should inspire.
There is a perverse mechanism, depression, social and that is to lead people to believe that you have reached the end and then something will change. But as time passes, things change and even worsen as before to power of Nazism and Fascism, millions of human beings, passively, were exterminated with the idea that sooner or later something would change.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crystal Lenses For Cataracts

Ri Tour Smn - 2 date! February 5

Hi Bloggersz,

the tour to Santa Maria Novella 29 January went sold out after a few days, lover!

then officially opens the second date, Saturday, February 5 again for the morning.
for details is that of January 29, see here

Write to numerous

Friday, January 14, 2011

Metal Core Scooter Wheel Europe

Specialization Course ANVU January 22, 2011 Report Manopello

Specialization Course ANVU
The investigations at the initiative of the Judicial Police
features and procedures
Teachers: • Dott.LucaMONTANARI - Commander-Manager Local Police Avezzano
• Dr. Fabio PRIMITERRA - Deputy Commander of the Local Police of Chieti
8.30 - 9.00 am Registration of participants
- Opening of the Course - Lt. Carmine Di Berardino - Secretary General ANVU
Welcome address by representatives of institutions and Authorities intervened
Single session:
Chair - Dr. Michael Sabatini - National Vice President ANVU
• Prosecution: concept and characteristics
• Article. 55 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Judicial Police and activity
• Documentation and classification of the acts of the Judicial Police
• The activities of the Police Information Giudiziaria
• L’identificazione dell’indagato
• Le perquisizioni
• Le sommarie informazioni
• Gli accertamenti urgenti sui luoghi, sulle cose e sulle persone. Il sequestro penale.
Ore 13.30 Termine dei lavori e test finale riservato ai soci ANVU
Ore 15.00 ripresa lavori
Sala Convegni “Villa Briccone” - Via Tiburtina Valeria n. 212
Associazione Professionale
Polizia Locale d’Italia
Regione Abruzzo
City of Manoppello
be sent by 20 January 2011: Secretary General
Tel 0864.721727 - fax. 0864.726233 - 368.3845938 - 333.9859108
E-mail: @ segretario.generale - \u200b\
Agency Name ______________________________________________________________________________

No Way _______________________________________________________________ ________
Tel _____________________________ Fax _____________________________________ E-mail

__________________________________ City __________________________________ Name _________________________________ ____________________ qualification
No Way ________________________________ City _____________________________ _______
Tel.___________________________________ Fax ___________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________

Law 685/96, personal data privacy.
allowed to hold personal data solely for the purpose of organization and promotion of the activity, with
prohibition on the distribution and / or transferred without prior authorization.
Date ____ / ____ / _________ Signature __________________________________
Securities issued to: all participants will receive a certificate of participation. ANVU
members who passed the final test of learning (test facoltativo), verrà
rilasciato un attestato di profitto certificato dall’ANVU.
A tutti i soci ANVU verrà consegnato un prontuario edito dall’ANVU.
Per informazioni: 0864.721727 - 368.3845938 - 333.9859108
Ristorante convenzionato:
Ristorante “VILLA BRICCONE” - Via Tiburtina Valeria n. 212 - Manoppello (PE) Tel. 085.8569065

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snot Cm When I Pee A Few Days Before Period

study day free




Iscrizioni online su sezione formazione

Friday, January 7, 2011

Softball Camps In Southern Califorina

Elaiza Tour - Santa Maria Novella

Bloggersz Hello Happy New Year!
How are jobs at home? No comment

Let's talk about serious things! Here you Elaiza the first Tour in 2011, Santa Maria Novella.

Force, a few speeches, must dispose of pounds and what better way to do that a healthy cultural trip?

Saturday, January 29, 2011 - The beautiful complex of Santa Maria Novella, its square, the church, the cloister, as a surprise ....!

Square dear to the Florentines for centuries, the headquarters of the most rigid of the mendicant orders, the Dominicans, has always been to "challenge" against the Franciscans of Santa Croce, a war art that has given us two beautiful monumental churches .
solemn visit the interior of the Church, with its chapels with frescoes by famous artists, and discover the cloister, surrounded by the calm more absolute and ignored the most richly decorated.
The tour will end with a little surprise ....
resumed and the usual coffee, of course!
Meeting Saturday, January 29 - 10:00 am - Via degli Avelli Unity Square corner, that is the pedestrian lane along the side of the church, where you exit the subway station, there's that shop at 'corner called Yamamay.
why we are right there? I'll explain later:)

Tour duration: 2 hours and a half
Cost of tour: full 16 Euros - reduced Euro 13.50 for residents of Florence and for those over 65 years, I commend the document identity to the hand!
Cost of the tour includes:
- tickets to the Church and Cloisters
- caffeine replied
- the best guides in Florence, or IO:)
Maximum number of participants with a twenty or so who first come first served!

be reserved by: Monday, January 24

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oppo Upconverting Dvd Players

Esiste una ragione...

... for which the blog is updated so rarely?
But for me the quiet life invent.
In fact, I invented TOT, choose the one that best suits you.

Why the blogger has launched a lucrative career as a smuggler and has no time should help the best minds to flee from Italy to be the last existing brain here and then witty jokes that only he understands.

Because V keeps him locked up at home to mind the Furby.

Why blogger is 8 hours a day in the gym and is home only to sleep and eat Fage.

Because there is no blogger, these are people who write random things at random, without any compared to the homogeneity of the blog and for the Italian language.

Because the blogger is too busy to read "History of Indian Philosophy", which is complicated and deserves a 6-day meditation for each line read.

Why bloggers do not receive money for this: being greedy as Uncle Scrooge, she hopes that people will sooner or later ask him to write crap paid.

Why is the only free time before dinner (but the V wants to go drinking in middle) or after dinner (but you have to play Risk against V and the Furby).

to you ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hair Styles 32 Year Old Woman


Without rhetoric, I hope in 2011 that each receive what he deserves. This presupposes a teleological vision of reality and the presence of Order entity (eg, God, or Metal Offler).
If you prefer the cyclical nature of time, do some 'what you want, so you will be forced to relive everything again ... avoided even in the standings to send Subsonica, I got tired of always relive the experience As he explains to people who are fundamental to the music.