Thursday, March 10, 2011

Television Prices Before Super Bowl 2010

In lettura, ora, senza pudore, quando capita...

... After the glories of "History of Indian Philosophy," which led me to appreciate beyond all the way tandoori chicken, these are new exploits that I read to criticize others for a reason.

read about 200 pages, written very well (otherwise it would be kind of a semiotician Eco?), There are Jewish-Masonic conspiracy that does not exist but you make them pass for real even if the protagonist admits that if he invents. There are a host of Italian regional recipes to shake the fat. There Garibaldi conquering the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (a scoundrel Eco, just in 2011 ...) and the people welcomed him with cries of "France or Spain, just that if magna. As soon as I conclude the money shot. For now, counsel to the conspiracy theorists and advocates of slow food.

Black Metal, fake blood, Satan and Odin, smoky shops, upside-down crosses, human sacrifices, Nazi beer-hall, churches burning, hair improbable, brutal murders, demo with errors spelling, face-painting, alcoholism, kidney killers. A film by Dario Argento? for charity. Great book, though. Brings me back to the early 90s, when the devils Norwegian CD recorded with microphones in the middle of the woods Bontempi, then dedicated the work to some demon with the name of detergent, and the CD sold in parcels. Read something, I already knew a lot, but it is written so intriguing and very agile. A short for the most exhilarating things, while the series will find some other desperate stigmatized.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2010 Refugee Claimant

Such is life .....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Average Bmi For A Woman In Uk

Hit Parade

Many times I am asked via email a few tips to restaurant, especially for steak - or a romantic spot, or rather a hail for parties - or for an aperitif or with without eating.

In most rankings I generally polite, especially to group without loss of past experience and make things clearer, so here's my personal list of my top places in Florence ! Meanwhile, we begin with the good places for steak and romantic restaurants

Where you eat good steak in Florence?

- Buca Lapi - a name guaranteed, nice time, all the dishes on the menu are excellent and with ingredients of the highest quality, casual chic attire, but some account:)

- Substance - This also offers security to eat a good steak, more casual and easy, eat together, and the menu is a little Scrio Scrio, but I highly recommend

- Pandemonium - and adorable restaurant with cozy atmosphere, good all but the steaks in appearance and flavor top (the last time I tried, not that of the review)

- the House of Ham - so you have the address also go to the country:)

- Angiolino - simple place but very good Tuscan cuisine in one of the most beautiful streets of Florence (Via Santo Spirito)

Other good places for steak Buca Mario the Changes, Baldini, Cave of Maiano, Osteria Caffè Boccanegra, Mamma Gina ....... ah and the Argentine restaurant , but flab Argentina, Chianina different from ours but excellent.

A romantic restaurant for an evening to 2??

- the BSJ, one of my favorite places in Florence, which I also spoke here - good food, atmosphere intimate view .... view .... if you go in summer, try to get a table on the terrace

- by Osvaldo Culinary Club, a place hidden in the square of Chicchino Peruzzi, I highly recommend

- Enoteca Pinchiorri for those who gnene ago, and a once in a lifetime is to do good - the smartest, most refined, chic Briah most of my crazy life with those wines, and those portions of nouvelle cuisine;)

- At Walled, I review, but there I went a few years ago is a show place, great food and location too, with the fourteenth-century frescoed ceilings

- Harry's Bar, a classic of classics, elegant and chic

In a sense, also Joust find it romantic, even if a little busy, but the lighting is deliciously Puci Puci ... Antinori wine cellar or, Osteria Italian Café, Oliver ....

Meanwhile beccateve these, and here are all my reviews restaurants, of course, also outside Florence

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tn Board Of Nursing License Verification

It 'died Capt. Angelo Craparotta

Giro la mail del C.te Bedessi, sebbene non abbia conosciuto il C.te Craparotta.
Mi associo comunque alle condoglianze, alla Famiglia, ai Colleghi e Amici tutti.

Ai Colleghi della polizia municipale della Toscana.

Sono addolorato di dovervi comunicare che il Collega e Comandante Angelo Craparotta, che per molti anni ha ricoperto l’incarico a Campi Bisenzio prima di me, e da molti di noi conosciuto e stimato, si è tolto la vita oggi. 3 marzo, con un colpo di pistola alla tempia.

Purtroppo sono stato fra i primi ad arrivare nell’appartamento ove era appena avvenuto il fatto.

Lascia la moglie, anch’essa una collega della polizia municipale, che lavora con me a Campi Bisenzio, and two sons, his brother is a fellow of the municipal police who work with me.

The body will be on display from tomorrow morning at 10 (Friday) at the Brotherhood of Mercy of Campi Bisenzio.

The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 am in Sacred Heart Church (Via De Gasperi 9, Campi Bisenzio).

thank in advance all those who wish, in any way, feel close to the family.

Sergio Bedessi

Monday, February 28, 2011

Can A Herpes Outbreak Happen On Your Stomach

Sabato qualunque

Awakening solo . The V has fled the night before to go to the Rockstar Los Anastasios (S. Anastasio, Cessalto - TV) with accommodation in 5 star hotel in clear, then you can get up rumorosi come un ippopoamo. Colazione dei campioni e partenza verso il luogo di lavoro.

Scuola : non vedo elementi che passeranno alla storia, almeno nel senso universalmente riconosciuto del termine. Se invece si ritiene che “Jackass” possa fare la storia, ho candidati.

Pranzo regolare : no.

Palestra : Randy Couture Workout, sudorazione esagerata e bandana da biker tengono lontani gli utenti maschili e femminili. Necessario, se si vuole evitare la chiacchiera, rispettare i tempi di recupero e volare verso il pranzo.

Lunch post-gym : first shower, to avoid attracting the pest control. Then 3 3 chicken breasts topped with fresh vegetables seasoned with nothing and nothing. Closing glorious with some crackers. Immediate start for the birthplace.

House of Sultan . Attractions : professional coffee machine + Sky (6 Nations Tournament) . We are witnessing the debacle of an Italy but with a willing player in a bad day and increasing idiosyncrasy against the tackle, even the little plaque Wales, but does not miss a kick in general play and make the phenomena. I also watch the first half of England-France promette bene perché chiunque perda io son contento, ma sono costretto a prendere l'aliante verso San Donà.

Ipercoop : appuntamento con la V nel tempio dello shopping proletario dei sandonatesi. Ogni slavo residente entro 20 km è presente. Fenomeno locale: russo con permanente, baffoni, bottiglia di birra, abiti Geox e tatuaggio da malavitoso sul dorso della mano: nel negozio di abbigliamento da lavato di birra almeno 300 euro di indumenti e poi è andato a spruzzare il resto nel negozio di animali. Acquisto qualche abito da cameriere risparmiato dalla birra, sconti abbondanti del commesso, riconoscente di poter parlare italiano.

Bar in centro : inaugurazione con spritz a prezzi da Dubai, ma uova sode in abbondanza a buffet. Problema “proteina serale” risolto brillantemente. Discussioni profonde con popstar, attori, giornalisti, modelle, scrittori. Cena “ulteriormente proteica” con rare e selezionate pietanze mediorientali: un kebab vicino alla stazione, schivando venditori di bamba e commercianti d'organi.

Statale 14 . Ritrovo di ogni under 18 del sandonatese. Birra di qualità mediocre e cibo normale a costo da oreficeria. Piano superiore con discoteca e sala biliardi, bimbe minorenni in mutande e bimbi minorenni con ciuffo che impedisce la visione delle minorenni. La V deve incontrare un noto mafioso locale per oscuri traffici, ma il capocosca è di corsa e si scusa offrendo birra mediocre, che mediocre resta, ma almeno è gratis.

Revolver . Festival Metallaro di band della zona ma con un certo seguito. Mio pronostico smentito clamorosamente, locale quasi pieno: gli organizzatori con le lacrime agli occhi parlano di più di 500 biglietti venduti (a prezzi da supermercato polacco). Le dinamiche di spostamento del Metallaro cominciano a farsi sempre più casuali e imprevedibili, ma presenza femminile abbondante: forse questa è la causa principale della migrazione maschile. Manca la presenza del “pedofilo di San Donà”, personaggio improbabile della night life locale, ma probabilmente ha avuto il posto come Prezzemolo a Gardaland. Dissertazioni intriganti con coltivatori diretti, architetti, fresatori, lavapiatti, schiavi a cottimo, ruffiani e adescatori. Concerti seguiti dai divanetti extra-lusso, con la possibilità di fare “sì sì” con la testa verso le band ogni volta che mi accorgo che stanno suonando. Champagne e perizomi. Zam zam.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Fax Cover Sheets

Parking fee to "Reservoir Dogs" ...

Someone is considered that these transmissions are protected by our rights as citizens and, perhaps, is partly true. Interesting debate on this
But the real problem is that in Italy has lost his sense of proportion and you write and say whatever you want, resulting in the citizens, further mistrust of the institutions. Ultimately, with transmission more or less "free" we replace the organs of institutional control, at least, they move within the limits set by law and legal according to a dialectic that can settle on a case by case basis.
Nevertheless, certain programs have, do and do just that echo to particularly grave situations, not with respect to which the institutions, but the men of the institutions are latent. In any case, the right are chronic not believe that it coincides with the right to criticize its own sake, if not to tell the truth, avoiding sensationalism and extreme reactions than phenomena, at least, questionable.
not want more speed cameras on the roads? you no longer want the pricing of parking? you want to lower the lights? ... In short, you want to delete the rules of the road to make each second nature, instead of according to law?
's a choice that I personally, but if that is you'd better be decided by the Italian people and not by those who shoot bigger, just to increase the share, compared with a mechanism of emulation for which citizens expose and expose the government to expensive lawsuits, not because a judge ruled, but because he said a television program. A rule is valid and in force, not because it was published in the OJ, because broadcast TV.
Take the highway code and read what a track (Article 3, paragraph 1, number 7 code): "... it is usually paved and bordered by edge lines ...". In essence, the outer boundaries of the roadway by edge lines is not mandatory but, in general, is bounded. Why should define the edge lines, especially when even a parking lot boundary within which are placed parking stalls? Not so much for defining the edge of the roadway - which are visible per se, in fact and law (Article 139, paragraph 10 of the Regulation) - but to define, where appropriate, any areas of action needed to make the parking within the parking stalls. No coincidence that the paragraph 3 of art. 141 of the Regulation must be made indicating how the edge lines of the roadway, states that are staple to separate the roadway from the "... places or parking areas and driveways ...", therefore, areas within of which occur maneuvers that, in this case, favor the parking areas or parking (for the note) provided for the purpose, where vehicles must be placed in the manner prescribed by the sign (Article 157, paragraph 5 code ). And besides, what
il parcheggio? E' l'area (e dunque lo spazio, il piano, comunque delimitato ed organizzato) o l'infrastruttura posta fuori dalla carreggiata (di per sé, perché è connaturata e connaturale allo scopo per cui è stata realizzata, senza bisogno di particolari accorgimenti segnaletici di delimitazione, se non di localizzazione, mediante stalli) destinata alla sosta regolamentata o non (art. 3, comma 1, numero 34) codice).
Allora tutto ruota intorno alla infelice collocazione (piuttosto che prescrizione) del comma 6 dell'art. 7 del codice ovvero, subito dopo il comma 5 dello stesso articolo che tratta dei parcheggi a pagamento.
E' chiaro che solo una lettura pretestuosa e non sistematica - come dovrebbe fare un giurista that does not stop the particular, but all over the world are wondering about the legislation or the so-called legal system, itself subject to the rules of interpretation and integration - even speculating on the location of a paragraph of one article of the highway code and of its rules. For what purpose?
Well, I'm thinking ... without too much honor. It
for the cause of Human Rights (first of all that security, which also involves respect for the rules of parking), nor for the social cause. For if you want to do serious journalistic investigation, you should have the patience to look for those situations of non-stop relationship between pay and free support or, as in this case, di quelle situazioni nelle quali le strisce di margine (indipendentemente che il parcheggio sia o meno regolamentato, sia o meno a pagamento ma, in concreto, pericoloso, perché troppo prossimo alle correnti di traffico) non andrebbero tracciate " genere..." ma andrebbero tracciate e basta.
Certo, quei solerti cittadini che auspicano di parcheggiare ad un metro dal bancone del bar o all'ingresso dell'aula di scuola ove vorrebbero scaricare il pargoletto - possibilmente tutto a gratis e con buona pace della polizia stradale - non sarebbero così interessati come adesso, quando gli si prospetta di non pagare una giusta sanzione che garantisce a tutti di sostare perché...beh, forse lo abbiamo dimenticato: la strada non è un parco giochi for adults, but the area of \u200b\u200bpublic use intended for circulation (including parking) for all, including pedestrians and animals of all and not only the most uneducated and arrogant that paying for parking, to avoid the road, home.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cute Things For A Card

Manifesto senz'affissione with sorrow - the thought of the applicant Copy of Ethiopia

You can also stop to ask, I will not. I will not stop parallels risky and unlikely to seek refuge in language exercises. If you want everyone understands what I say are the wrong person, really. What deserves to be read also deserves someone who can appreciate the depth.

What remains unknown to most is just good, mind you. At least until he is so inclined to graze down to earth concepts. Going to fuck all levels of meaning, which in its flatness rot has already been said, bringing those who resurrects from the grave with disrespectful constancy della creatività. 

Ora basta spendere a vuoto altre parole, è tutto fin troppo chiaro e questo non è mai un bene. 
In breve: mi spezzo ma non mi spiego .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Printable Military Cards

Editorial Products Maggioli Publisher

announces the end of:
public safety laws and laws (including the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code annotated)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Transparent Woman Candid


La prima recensione di un CD che mi è piaciuto (escludiamo quelle nel blog e quelle fatte al bar... in effetti il meglio è sempre stato dato al bar). Ma ne parlo alla fine.

Previously I have always lied because I do not give anything to speak ill of the CD of the poor people, who strive for record in the basement and then makes them burn in Finland to have the winning sound.
So in the end is useless.
CDs if people download them.
Better then do reviews in style "good / beautiful / puzzolenti...ricordano Here / Quo / Qua...hanno many / few big hair" and then kick a MySpace, so people would listen to them for 18 seconds and decide whether it's worth downloading the product. If we like the product, it may be that someone make the big step of ordinarselo (on you can buy the CD just money, see you, today you try to sell just about anything ).
In short, if someone genuinely interested in the reviews? To me yes, but many did not: enough to know that the new Tom's is cool and the new Dick's sad. In fact, say "sad" would be a way to attract attention. I just did a favor to Caio.
Since I do not know how many may be concerned, however, on FB it turns enough, here's a link to the review began:

Fabri Kiareli’s F.E.A.S.T. Rise ( Avenue of Allies , 2010)

Riassunto della recensione: bravo, suona quasi tutto lui... ha i capelli come Rocky e la faccia come Al Pacino... ha il batterista che vomita... suona come dovrebbero suonare i Whitesnake se non fossero defunti nel 1985... gli fa il culo a Don Dokken e a tutto il suo roster di parrucche... Kiribiri of coffee at the Piazza del Grano is spectacular ... Avenue of the Allies the German label publishes only Italian masterpieces ... Mark Slaughter of the best performance is on "All Systems Go" by Vinnie Vincent ... Fabri repeats the chorus for 3 minutes at the end of each song so the people will learn from exhaustion ox

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

John Deere Snowmobiles

Home at last ....

And where they're having breakfast in a radiant morning? but home MIAAAAAAA !
Yes, ladies and gentlemen we are finally back home. Well after 2 months, 54 days to be precise, I suppose you remember the post about ...
Sunday the 20 My day off is spent with sadness and boredom at home with sick while Seba was illegal in the move up and down.
Sunday night we went to Leo and I sleep at home, without Nano, One moment to put in place before the arrival of the casino.
And this photo is taken on Monday morning at breakfast, before dell'Elaiza Tour of San Marco, among other things went very well, I'm looking forward to Saturday to make the second round:) But not digress

, Monday afternoon I went to retrieve Seba, and we got all 3 in the new casino ... that huge flash ... the boy was very upset, you know the change was great, go home / nest stra-mega-super-coccolato/viziato grandparents, a questo in pratica nuovo posto, ancora parecchio incasinato, a dormire nella sua camerina, solo, insomma un gran bel change per un cacherozzolo come lui, e sinceramente anche per noi...

Le cosine stanno trovando piano piano il suo posto, la casa sembra sempre meno un accampamento profughi, la gioia è enorme.

Venite a pigliare un caffè??

Il nostro ex salotto.... com'era


... pittura...

... prende forma...

.. e ora...

salotto angolo cottura :)

L'ingresso, sembra infestato dai fantasmi...

..e ora..

La nostra ex cucina....

... durante.... sob sigh...

..e ora... la camerina di Seba :)

Allora??? che ne pensate?
Ah, per la cronaca, cucina e divano venduti grazie al mitico sito !

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Where Purchase Mace At In Columbus

restaurant flab Argentina

La scorsa settimana io e Illeo ci siamo dati alla good life, indeed a blow of life, as has been done in two nights that I miss stuff in two months. Too much stuff all at once, how exciting!

I've already talked about the movie night , international event for us in our lives DS ( After Sebastian), and as if that were not enough we went to dinner as well the holes, to celebrate Valentine's Day in advance, and we went to a place that was all the signs you made the point, which is the restaurant Arggghentino of Florence, called Centuries Restaurant 7, Via Ghibellina 140 Red.
I had the good fortune to visit Argentina, a century ago, to be exact, I went by myself in November 2001 (just before it happened all over the casino paid to the Casa Rosada ... etc) for almost a month, the guest of a great friend Argentine Federico, who lived in Florence to study art and was a dear friend of mine - a crazy wild, thoroughbred artist, funny as hell, a beautiful head, he spoke all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including the Sardinian and sanfredianino, speaks via unn'è mica 'ito, in fact I went to see him who had returned to home
There was spring, and was an absolute the best holidays of my life .
The Argentines are wonderful people who welcomed me as if I were one of them, and living with "local" to me are enjoyed and appreciated in the beast. So obviously the kitchen. Of sgrifate of fat that you can not understand, barbecue grills, which seemed to studios in the center (of magnitude!) And a quality of flab ...... ten.

Well, this digression to make you understand what I wanted to try those flavors, for a moment to relive that amazing holiday, and the fear of getting hurt a lot, I always held back from going to this restaurant that smelled so much done, with this website disgraceful that calls for nothing (I do not want web designers, but we do ...) that seems to stuff for tourists or for American students in Florence in short ....

Botta's ass, I know one working there in the kitchen every so often, arggghentino purebred, ask him to confirm the quality and authenticity of the place, and he tells me. Street, you go!

looks much like a pub setting, downstairs there is a counter-style bar, with tables and bench, just pub grub. Patriotic flags everywhere and all sorts of trinkets to remind the house - as we s'ha hanging hams and white checkered tablecloths and red flag them and blanca selessffste as they pronounce it, or the sun, or whips and gaucho hat etc ...

We decided to go upstairs, polo-style English, cute, much as a kind of restaurant, but a little Caldina thing, since you're in the loft above the kitchen - it was actually down even more busy this is cool, next time choose to stay down.
Anyway, cute, beautiful tables, chairs, a place so short, cute, for romantic couples, groups of friends, which is valid for all alternatives.

Menu typical Argentine - that fat, flab flab flab and dessert. gotta the series alive, but that's okay, we sdata ordering a bit of everything, to be exact, with no star to share with appetizers first and second, the flesh was always:

- of Empanadas meat (there is also chicken, that is the thing that most vegetarian!) - a roll with minced meat, onions, peppers, boiled eggs and olives - good

- achuras Mixtas - grilled or stuff that I ate quietly in Buenos Aires, so the the brace is also a bona ciabatta, then 'sti exotic names inspired me, chinchulinas, mollejas, then in the evening with the vocabulary I learned that I had swallowed sweetbreads, kidney, intestines .... arghhhh! but they were very good, really, at my invitation and schifilteria usual, I took that and remain in a very welcome step - that is: sweetbreads (mollejas) - kidneys (rinoncitos) - intestines (chinchulines) - and sarsicce. GOOD!

- Churrasco - real costs, not our ribs, but it's like steak, it seems like steak then you explain that their cut is exactly

- Bife de lomo - tenderloin

wine, one I do not remember them, but very good indeed! Wines costicchiano eh, you start with one that costs less than like 25 euro, but the flesh is affordable, then I tell you, however, prices

The meat is crazy .... tell us, oh they are cute, kind and friendly - Argentine own ... In short we were told, maybe a little embarrassed, I know I gave that impression, because talking of steak that they consider "best in the world" in a Tuscan maybe sounds a bit like a challenge, but we are talking about two different meats - they are accustomed to star sbrahata in Pampa, and no grass to graze only troiai feed, and one being the Pampa plains, not moving a muscle - so the meat is tender and lean lean - in fact quite the cook, not super rare like ours, and it remains the same tender. Entertainment
All with the chimichurri sauce , ie parsley, garlic and chilli boh
The sweet .... arrrghhh I do not think we do ... I dreamed the night Dulce de Leche , a kind of caramel with which they do everything: ice cream, cakes, candies, cakes, everything.
But I was full, and I saw it in Piazza Santa Croce was the chocolate festival, so I thought I'd strafogata there ... oh me from a closed gate in the face ....... I implored them to give me a chocolate only, please, I want to abstinence, but there was no way .... (

short, two empanadas, achuras mixtas in two, one for a main dish, wine, coffee and water ammazzacaffè - 90 Euro in two . Honestly say.

Then going to the toilet, a bathroom pat to where they rebuilt the Turkish risky choice but I would say the original, there is a statue of David by Michelangelo, with his clothes on Argentina, and a myriad of photos taken with celebrities go from there, but many! And all the players of Manchester United, several times, including my love never forgotten always en mi corazon Pablo Daniel Osvaldo :)

So, go there!
Restaurant Seven Centuries
Via Ghibellina 140 Red

055 245 205 Open every evening until late
Site horrid but very thorough!

achuras Mixtas



Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday Senior Week Oc Rentals

San Marco in Florence and Cloister of the Scalzo

Dear Bloggers,
brings us to the new appointment with Elaiza Tours :)

A 'sto giro andremo a visitare il bellissimo convento di San Marco, conosceremo meglio il Beato Angelico e poi ci recheremo in una perla di posto,ovvero il Chiostro dello Scalzo.

Due appuntamenti per voi, in base ai vostri impegni lavorativi:

Lunedì 21 Febbraio
Sabato 26 Febbraio

Appuntamento ore 10.00 in Piazza San Marco.

Per prenotarsi e varie info scrivetemi a

Friday, February 11, 2011

Make Recipe Handbag Cake Custom

Vov, I went to the movies!

Attention attention! I went back to the movies! Yes, for the second time in my life DS. or after it is born by Seby I went to the movies to see Sex and the City 2 with a friend and nothing more, last night I went Ille Yari and live to see Checco Zalone, strategies praised by critics and Friends who had seen him, and therefore subject to negative feedback from us, you know when you load it to the beast, then get in there and maybe you think 'na crap.

Instead ..... The first part starts slow, a diesel, and apparently forced a few bars ... then, a succession of crap one after the other, burst, culminated with the scene of the painting stolen then riappiccica with slap style kill the fly that I thought of dying and pee in laughter.


Simply brilliant, is a ridiculous character, such as Italian (now unfortunately) almost mean, you do not know if there is or how it makes us overly insane, irreverent, politically incorrect, Southerner, sexist and so on and and so forth - you, Farah (Nabih Akkari) that sweetness to the film, is an interesting figure, it seems like a desecration of the Islamic religion and terrorism, instead uses it as a weapon against us and our prejudices - the legendary Rocco Papaleo , and mythical Caparezza, who sing at the baptism scene "eh fly fly you go higher and higher you go" was amazing!

Look, I did not believe, but I am really earned more than 10 years with the laughter that I've done. The cinema was practically empty, had around 10-15 people, all seemed happy. No, but I have to say about the film, ganzissimo - we went to Warner, now known as UCI, the film started at 22.10, we went a few minutes before, but we did not get split up at 22.10, and then we sorbitol 32 minutes 32 advertising! 32 minutes 32.
and attention, after 26 minutes of film .... range - 5 minutes and entered those of the popcorn, embarrassed under our eyes in disbelief and just nu incazziatiello.

But apart from that, top night!
favorite scenes?
- kissing the ring
- nooo you do not go sleeveless and flip-flops (Tibetan monks!)
- the mussels to the fundamentalist bombers
- 's exctasy Santa Caterina
- when steals the picture to take photos and then complete with a handful riappiccica
- the Pacchin
the Pope - the baptism in pure Terrone Style "
- the anti-sex bomb
- searches to get on the Duomo

Rating: 8

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Does A Goat Look Like

Insane passions

Oh yes I guess you all to humiliate
"this bay, as is the intelligent look at me 'bullshit ste "
and still
" noooooooooo immense disappointment"
" vaia vaia dawg"
but I have a few secrets with you, and then confess:

- Hello everyone, I'm Elisa
(in chorus)-Hello Elisa
- I also watch Big Brother, but I'm trying to stop (not)

Well, yes: everyone which has the her. I look at the GF. And I like it. O on. Not the direct eh, do not exaggerate, but riassuntini evening, Monday evening and above all never say GF.
I am well aware that trash is a beast, reflecting the miserably stupid and ephemeral world of today, who grow up maybe my son will want to participate and I want to beat me to the wall, but a fo it to him. With all the serious things you need to think, work, son, husband, home, work, family, snakes, work, work work, quarrels, I may want to see an idiot in my life?? Can I? I can, and I defend my decision to remove the brain for three hours on Monday night.

So, now that I've confessed, I think some of you have this with my absurd passion, so I know that you look underneath you too. But what is to
Rosica Ferdinand was no longer immune, and is also nominated?? ahhh me laugh and I enjoy it all!

And then, or how bad we are a Tuscan feel like talking on television strascihato ?.... when there was Ilaria, which among other things because I know the stadium, the one you could hear .....

svelatevi by Dai, tell the truth, those who watch GF??