'Years' 70 and the disco " Despite considerable success in the early seventies
the dance clubs are still largely in areas where change is the intended use: basements, warehouses, garages and cinemas resigned. Only later, however, and rarely, from the building also will be affected .. The "Ritual" (
1973) in Baja Sardinia
and the "Bay of Angels" (1974
) of
Gabicce Mare (Roman-style themed and renamed in 1985
Bay Imperial ") are the first examples of Italian of ballrooms isolated from the surrounding context urbano.Nei early seventies the dancing back in fashion classic: the smooth
(promoted by Raoul Casadei
then arise in this period also the first structures characterized by large spans of structural ballrooms (due to the need for large runs smoothly to ensure easy movement) and the presence of the orchestras that live music. Significant is the fact that with this type of places the ball will not stay more than a prerogative of young people but also will become a habit for people much still anziana.Sono the seventies that will see the birth of disco as it is understood oggi.Infatti is still in
1977 with local New York
Studio 54, Paradise Garage, 12 West or the Flamingo that attaches the
official birth of the club today. The success is also due to the explosion of the genre
Disco Music , celebrated and even promoted in part from the movie "
the Saturday Night Fever" (1977). Until then
fact, the only music designed for dancing (not yet called
dance music) was produced mainly for the summer season, the dance clubs, which functioned essentially on Sunday afternoon (in winter) and evening (but rarely up at 5 am), is cyclic in the same evening dancing slow and fast. The record therefore does not invested much in the dance genre, because there was no need, since the dance clubs that served as meeting places or other things to do, where new knowledge. With the advent of disco music instead, there is a real imposition of a new genre is not simply "dance" ma, appunto, "da discoteca". Cambia radicalmente la concezione del "locale" dove trascorrere la serata: si va in discoteca non tanto per incontrarsi e per conoscersi quanto più per divertirsi ed essere protagonisti. La Discoteca diventa il locale di ritrovo giovanile dove le etichette sociali non contano più nulla. Una produzione discografica intensissima e senza precedenti per la
Disco Music , la stravaganza dell'abbigliamento, delle acconciature e soprattutto gli eccessi talvolta legati all'uso di droghe ed al sesso occasionale [
senza fonte ] (il virus
HIV non si è ancora diffuso), descrivono al meglio questo fenomeno e caratterizzerà gli anni che vanno dal
1977 al
1979 . I locali come lo
Studio 54 sfrutteranno appieno tutta la produzione discografica del momento ed elimineranno subito dalle proprie serate il ballo lento. Lo
Studio 54 in particolare, si distinguerà immediatamente come un locale diverso da tutti gli altri: apre i battenti tardi, gli ospiti sono celebrità del mondo del cinema e dello spettacolo, le luci, gli impianti audio, le scenografie e le coreografie hanno lo scopo di stupire e di far sentire i frequentatori al centro di un vero e proprio spettacolo. S'inizia a vivere la notte nella sua interezza. Numerosissime saranno le discoteche in Italia e nel mondo che nasceranno ispirandosi proprio al modello di questa discoteca newyorkese. Il già esistente Baia degli Angels (now Baia Imperiale) of
Gabicce Mare
is probably the most famous Italian example of emulation
Studio 54: Guests of national and international reputation, high-tech light and sound installations, parties that last until 'sunrise (when other clubs close at 2). It should also be pointed out that just at the end of the seventies fashion show space and more commercial fiction. The success of films like Star Wars
or television series like Star Trek
be reflected significantly in the world of dancing: many of them will be especially decorated and illuminated to emulate internal ships (platforms lights, mirrors, expanded metal, neon ignition sequence, console lifts up), which also connects you to the need to escape and alienation in society by the difficult national and international political situations (in Italy is the period of
years of lead