Saturday, December 6, 2008

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"The Billionaire" The terrible

Il marchio Billionaire, nato nel 1998 , è ormai diventato nel gergo comune un sinonimo di lusso. Inizialmente esso designò una nota discoteca di Porto Cervo in Sardegna , frequentata da molti VIP del mondo dell' industria e della finanza italiana , appartenente a Flavio Briatore , direttore sportivo della scuderia di Formula 1 Renault .
La discoteca di Porto Cervo è collocata tra due promontori e si affaccia sul golfo Pevero. Il locale si trova all'interno di una villa di tre piani, al suo interno si trovano stili mediterranei, but also ethnic oriental and even Egyptians. The restaurant not only has the purpose of entertainment but has also become a place of communication, already used in such a way that companies also emerging as Guru.
The brand is now also used for a second room in Cortina D'Ampezzo , open in winter. Recently it has also become a brand of clothing and accessories for high fashion for men called Billionaire Italian Couture. Finally, we created Billionaire life, a company that manages the two clubs and other entertainment-related areas such as Billionaire in Tour, a show organized in different clubs in Italy.
There are also a Billionaire Magazine, a journal on the world Billionaire, ie the world of luxury and beautiful women, and a television program with similar arguments called Billionaire TV broadcast from Music Match on SKY TV. It also organized a beauty contest to become a Billionaire girl.
In 2008, during the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco, opened the third local Billionaire at the Fairmont Hotel chain, known hotel in the principality.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Skin Turning Black And Sores Bleed

Select entry

Most clubs make an input selection. It is to bring in some elements and do not get it others (in popular parlance "bounce"). The selections may have different objectives: one would be to ensure the maximum safety for local patrons, bouncers, in fact, agree, in general, not to get evidence that, as they arise, are causing alarm among the people and to expel forthwith those disorders within the local agent provocateur. But often the goals go far beyond security: the small size of the premises is forcing the bouncers to give priority to items that have certain characteristics, in general, the selections are based on clothing of visitors, many locals tend to call it, for those who would enter the local, wear certain clothing, usually a shirt or jacket, and leave out those who do not have a dress code. Often, then, the managers claim that the visitors prenotino entry in advance and often organize the appropriate input lists: who wants to enter must indicate at the list of who wants to join and be counted people being part of that determined list. This enables managers to better control the influx into the room.
The clubs may have selected more or less rigid depending, usually, the importance of this room in the world of Bellavita. Clubs such as Hollywood, where it is very common that you enter the world of celebrities entertainment, sports and gossip, they tend to implement selections generally very strict and the young, to enter to be fortunate to appear with the right clothes at the right time, in some, however, the selection is almost non-existent.
Typically, clubs, notify the customer of this choice with their calls on the word "door policy."
These selections, however, go against the Italian law. The Civil Code because it mentions "the holder of an exercise of public (and the club is in effect an exercise public) can not prohibit the entry and / or enjoyment of goods and / or services to the customer who matched by a corresponding price. The exception is for the individual who has been evident in violent, drunk or mental impairment. "The same" bouncer "may not refuse a person entry and even remove them from the time: in fact, according to the Civil Code, staff security of the premises may at best only retain the subject and to call the police. "

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Some clubs still use bouncers to control access to local and security in it, even if the current legislation in Italy has now dramatically changed this picture even "historic" by local changing it in the new "Head of Security." This new figure is inserted, almost always, in a corporate structure external to the premises that they establish a cooperation agreement based on "Controlling the flow of persons and the security service" of the room. Many of these companies are regularly provided with permission to do precisely that allows Prefectural solta nt control activities on streams in the premises as the "Security" is completely and without fail, but only the police authorities that oversee sull'incolumità citizens. Another aspect of "security" in the field (especially but not only) of Disco is also the "infamous" Art TULPS 100 (Consolidated Laws of Public Safety) of 1931 that reads: "The Questor may suspend the license of an exercise where riots have taken place or serious disorder, or is the usual gathering of people affected or dangerous or which, however, constitutes a danger to public order, morality public and morality or to public safety. If you repeat the events that led to the suspension, the license may be revoked "means that in some cases the closure of more than 30 days for a room it acts occur to disturb public order (such as fights, injuries or assaults). Many times the so-called bouncers were involved in accidents could lead the authorities to apply Article 100 and that caused significant economic losses to the operators (not to mention the employees who remained without work). That is why in many cities and tourist resorts is preferred to replace the figure unprofessional (and sometimes of dubious origin) of the bouncers with a more prepared and professional, but above all to meet its liability.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Best Foreign Etf 2010

disc "The years 2000 and disco

The 2000s rarely see large open spaces and the trend remains that of the small clubs that play different genres depending on the type of evening. Emerges and says the first disco-bar and then the hard- dinner. The first is to enter a pub but a free drink minimum, and often offering the same kind of normal evening of dancing, but at a lower price. The second is a local (often of old pubs or nightclubs medium size) in its first time slot of the evening (20.00 - 24.00) also carries out food services, organizes events (meetings), has a staff of animators and second part of the evening (from 24.00 onwards) carry the same program of Disco-bar. The first is popular with twentysomethings, the second from the thirties. It also states as evening entertainment on Friday evening. At the beginning of the decade there will be a real rediscovery of music from past decades, and then the revival: many locals will be and clubs that recreate the music of the seventies, eighties and the "legendary" sixty years. The big clubs that have characterized the nineties, however, continue to survive, especially in Italian and European summer resorts (eg Ibiza Riccione and ). The smaller clubs of the province or city show a tendency to disappear in favor of disco-bar. However, even in youth the most famous resorts such as the Adriatic Coast and abroad, Ibiza, begins to assert the "local on the beach": it is by merging adjacent bathing, they use the space gained for offer up late at night, a good alternative to the classic disco. Currently, turn out to be the greatest threat of loss of profits for old discoteche.Inoltre, after an apparent resurgence in the years 2000-2002, midway through the first decade of the third millennium takes over a major crisis of the creative production of dance music , and, consequently, there was a significant decline of collective interest for the clubs. In 2006 will stir the closure of the mega-disco Cyborg ( Attigliano - Tr) after 13 years of activity: in fact, is missing a historical center of Italy, which drew young people from Lazio, the capital , dall' Umbria e dalla Toscana . Per contro c'è un'affermazione del ballo di coppia latino-americano che coinvolge prevalentemente i giovani di età superiore ai 25 anni. Molteplici saranno i locali da ballo che, rinnovati nel nome e negli arredi, proporranno un programma musicale esclusivamente latino-americano. Altrettanto numerose saranno le discoteche di massa che riproporranno la musica dei decenni passati, ospitando talvolta anche gli artisti stessi che resero famosa la dance negli anni 80 e 90.

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" The '90s and the disco "

Gli anni novanta iniziano con una selezione di generi musicali che interessa anche le discoteche. Ci sono discoteche che propongono esclusivamente musica techno mentre altre solo House. Nelle discoteche di larger, in separate rooms, both are played and other genera and therefore imposes the final model of the multi-disco (the private room, where frequently accessed by invitation only, will be present in almost all large structures). This is the time when in Europe will be inaugurated, the last big clubs were born anew; in Italy may be mentioned the Prince ( 1991) of Riccione and Cyborg (1993 ) of Attigliano (Tr) (the latter will be developed on an area of \u200b\u200b4000 m2). Later we shall not see any more major music event which would necessitate the construction of new large locali.C 'is also an affirmation of subgenres, and then the premises connected to them: we are witnessing the birth of the "fashion" that will become synonymous not only House music fine (which will be the soundtrack to the various parades high fashion), but also frequented by local people more wealthy and adult (this is the music of Private). The "commercial" music is the favorite of teenagers and they'll be back to work the nightclubs on Sunday pomeriggio.All 'inside the Techno genre is assists in this case the assertion of various subgenres: Dream, Trance and Progressive. Because there is an exaltation of the figure that at this time the DJ starts to become a real star and at the same time there are countless experiments with new sounds, the local who specialize in these various sub-genres tend to be themed style hi-tech and "alien", as if to imply that this kind of music comes from a that belongs to another world or otherwise. These clubs are frequented mainly by young people (mainly 17-22 years) of all social classes and that will not cure much clothing as signed to fashion and accessori.Questo is the decade in which the clubs are at their peak, light is intense competition and activity in full swing. Many places in the furnishings will be renewed and will tend to give precedence to the curves colori.È and the visual impact of a decade that ultimately does not show any kind of crisis in the sector and in which invested a lot: the renovation of old buildings, extensions with the addition of more rooms, shops that sell interior gadgets with the logo of the restaurant (which is already introduced in Italy in the seventies by the Bay of Angels), opening branches in other countries (such as the Pacha Ibiza ), and even amusement parks that remain open at night hosting internally dancing (in the case of Italian Aquafan and Mirabilandia ). There is a real business of clubs. Some own brands and become real production (or record label in the jargon): the case of the Ministry of Sound Canterbury (UK) opened in 1991 . This is also due to the combination of a more prosperous period of record production, if the 1978-1979 biennium has been the most productive way to the disco music, the three year period 1993-1995 was undoubtedly another time when the music disco reigned unchallenged in the charts. Given the heterogeneity of going to big clubs (which in this period also reach five thousand admissions per night) is back to make selection or prior to the inputs on the entrance fee. Many clubs, extends its activity to become a restaurant (which is linked at the beginning of the period of discos). Ultimately culminating in the nineties very good for the clubs: in addition to the already established clubs, there are many rooms of modest size but is not necessarily specialize in different genres such as dance rock, the reggae , the ' heavy metal, the 'electronic , the ska, punk the , the' African . There is also the affirmation of the local partner dance as exotic as the Latin American . Bby Wikipedia.

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" The 80s and the disco "

With the change of the decade and genre, the Disco Music leaves the stage and is replaced by music elettronica.In this time we are also witnessing a significant change in the trend of European clubs than is americane.Se true that the birth of disco in the U.S., it is also true that the U.S. will remain the to reject both the concept of the disco club. For the U.S. public because the disco is a genre too futile and devoid of content and the collective is indirectly related to the gay world (the period of reactionary slogans like "Disco Sucks"). The premises that will arise as a result at Studio 54 (already in crisis in 1980 ) are mostly medium-sized and connected to the rap music , pop and rock (often performed live) is more diverse and less excessive as it was without doubt the Studio 54. This fact does not mean that dance music will be repudiated in the U.S., in fact, simply will no longer be considered the only star of Saturday night. In Europe
however, the model of the club as a place of collective entertainment, meeting and entertainment will be a huge success. In the early eighties throughout Europa si assiste infatti alla costruzione di locali volti ad ospitare una grande affluenza di pubblico ed infatti le frequentazioni delle discoteche risultano sempre più eterogenee e sempre meno selezionate. I locali da ballo nati ad inizio anni settanta semplicemente come sale liscio, in questo periodo provvederanno ad ampliarsi con nuove strutture adiacenti e divenire quindi anche "discoteca": in questo modo i gestori aumentano la propria offerta di svago notturno. Sempre in relazione al successo della musica elettronica (l'uso a tutto campo del sintetizzatore), dell'era digitale (iniziano a diffondersi i PC) e del mito dell'alta tecnologia, nella prima metà del decennio 80 non è azzardato assimilare le discoteche a dei luna-park della musica e del ballo. Anche le scenografie di studi di trasmissioni televisive popolari e di varietà ricreano in tutto vere e proprie discoteche: in Italia , nell'edizione del 1983 del Festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo verranno utilizzati raggi laser scenografici, mentre altre trasmissioni come "Fantastico" verranno ricordate per le sigle esplicitamente dance . In Italia ed in Europa si assiste anche all’esplosione della musica dance “ made in Italy ” cosa notevole se si considera che negli anni del boom della disco music ( 1977 - 1979 ) non si annovera virtually no success italiana.E matrix 'in this period that London, Ibiza Frankfurt born and some of the most popular clubs in the world and still avant-garde. Even in Italy are the early eighties who see large structures also arise in the province.
Contrary to what is suggested by the trends of the time, will still U.S. to launch a new music and disco. In the mid-eighties, a Chicago open the "Wharehouse Club" (literally "warehouse club") where a selected music is played exclusively by DJ and not that is transmitted by radio. This is the official birth of House Music and the phenomenon of "Culture Club" for the first time a DJ is not limited only to mix the tracks, but technically it is also he who makes music overlaying different bases. The frequent visits of these local moves are only the type of music played and to be called "cool." Unlike the protagonists of the clubs in the seventies and early eighties, which is described by means of changing scenes, colored lights, neon lights and dance floors, these new buildings are characterized by dark atmospheres, the simplicity of the furnishings and sometimes for an advertisement based mostly on word of mouth rather than su insegne e cartelloni pubblicitari.In Italia primi esempi di discoteche che ricalcano questo modello di locale sono: il Cocoricò di Riccione aperto nel 1987 (sebbene la musica suonata sia prevalentemente Techno e non House) ed il RedZone Club di Perugia aperto nel 1989 (entrambi ancora in attività e considerati ormai locali storici).Altre discoteche verranno arredate a tema: nella seconda metà degli anni 80 e fino ad i primi anni 90, molteplici saranno i locali che richiameranno negli arredi e scenografie gli stili romano, gotico, arabesco ed egizio. Sul finire degli anni ottanta si afferma anche il genere antagonist of house music: Techno genre. This type is characterized by a more aggressive pace, harder and more electronic House, will stand out initially, mainly due to a phenomenon that went into vogue until the mid-nineties : the rave party. This is essentially evenings organized clandestinely in places and then discharged without authorization (such as factories abandoned) and often in open glades. The facilities are rented by the organizers and advertising, which can also be attending to get across borders, is essentially based on passaparola.Nelle larger clubs, he began to become more The most popular concept of "multiplex": a large main hall, they are accompanied by other smaller but specialized in cutting-edge music. At the end of the eighties also born cubist: girls dancing on raised blocks compared the track and who wants to animate the Wikipedia.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Do You Know You Ve Conceived

'Years' 70 and the disco "

Despite considerable success in the early seventies the dance clubs are still largely in areas where change is the intended use: basements, warehouses, garages and cinemas resigned. Only later, however, and rarely, from the building also will be affected .. The "Ritual" ( 1973) in Baja Sardinia and the "Bay of Angels" (1974 ) of Gabicce Mare (Roman-style themed and renamed in 1985 as Bay Imperial ") are the first examples of Italian of ballrooms isolated from the surrounding context urbano.Nei early seventies the dancing back in fashion classic: the smooth (promoted by Raoul Casadei ). then arise in this period also the first structures characterized by large spans of structural ballrooms (due to the need for large runs smoothly to ensure easy movement) and the presence of the orchestras that live music. Significant is the fact that with this type of places the ball will not stay more than a prerogative of young people but also will become a habit for people much still anziana.Sono the seventies that will see the birth of disco as it is understood oggi.Infatti is still in 1977 with local New York as Studio 54, Paradise Garage, 12 West or the Flamingo that attaches the official birth of the club today. The success is also due to the explosion of the genre Disco Music , celebrated and even promoted in part from the movie " the Saturday Night Fever" (1977). Until then fact, the only music designed for dancing (not yet called dance music) was produced mainly for the summer season, the dance clubs, which functioned essentially on Sunday afternoon (in winter) and evening (but rarely up at 5 am), is cyclic in the same evening dancing slow and fast. The record therefore does not invested much in the dance genre, because there was no need, since the dance clubs that served as meeting places or other things to do, where new knowledge. With the advent of disco music instead, there is a real imposition of a new genre is not simply "dance" ma, appunto, "da discoteca". Cambia radicalmente la concezione del "locale" dove trascorrere la serata: si va in discoteca non tanto per incontrarsi e per conoscersi quanto più per divertirsi ed essere protagonisti. La Discoteca diventa il locale di ritrovo giovanile dove le etichette sociali non contano più nulla. Una produzione discografica intensissima e senza precedenti per la Disco Music , la stravaganza dell'abbigliamento, delle acconciature e soprattutto gli eccessi talvolta legati all'uso di droghe ed al sesso occasionale [ senza fonte ] (il virus HIV non si è ancora diffuso), descrivono al meglio questo fenomeno e caratterizzerà gli anni che vanno dal 1977 al 1979 . I locali come lo Studio 54 sfrutteranno appieno tutta la produzione discografica del momento ed elimineranno subito dalle proprie serate il ballo lento. Lo Studio 54 in particolare, si distinguerà immediatamente come un locale diverso da tutti gli altri: apre i battenti tardi, gli ospiti sono celebrità del mondo del cinema e dello spettacolo, le luci, gli impianti audio, le scenografie e le coreografie hanno lo scopo di stupire e di far sentire i frequentatori al centro di un vero e proprio spettacolo. S'inizia a vivere la notte nella sua interezza. Numerosissime saranno le discoteche in Italia e nel mondo che nasceranno ispirandosi proprio al modello di questa discoteca newyorkese. Il già esistente Baia degli Angels (now Baia Imperiale) of Gabicce Mare is probably the most famous Italian example of emulation Studio 54: Guests of national and international reputation, high-tech light and sound installations, parties that last until 'sunrise (when other clubs close at 2). It should also be pointed out that just at the end of the seventies fashion show space and more commercial fiction. The success of films like Star Wars or television series like Star Trek be reflected significantly in the world of dancing: many of them will be especially decorated and illuminated to emulate internal ships (platforms lights, mirrors, expanded metal, neon ignition sequence, console lifts up), which also connects you to the need to escape and alienation in society by the difficult national and international political situations (in Italy is the period of years of lead

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" The '60s and the disco

Until the early sixties, the resorts (spa and bathing) were characterized by the presence of sports clubs ("sporting club"), which complement its range of leisure with dance halls and local piano bar is often selective in attendance. With the advent of general economic welfare of the years 1962 - 1963 we are also witnessing the emergence of local tourism, leisure and meeting for a more popular and less class. In Italy is on the Tuscan Riviera of Versilia and the Adriatic Coast which arise the first major offering local youth music and very often the host artists of the moment of victory of the season (as a concert organized to Shed Alassio , the compass Marina di Pietrasanta and the other historical Shed Forte dei Marmi ). The local (often outdoors) are organized with a dance floor, DJ console , stage to accommodate complex and singers, the bar and spaces used to stop and conversazione.Durante winter, dance clubs are located in large urban centers and are much smaller in size and in intent: There can be attributed mainly to the idea of \u200b\u200bbars, restaurants and cafes (presence of Jukebox ) where you can dance. Even hours of operation shall conform to the working citizens, so that only the Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon are involved in the dance. These restaurants, which largely are confined to music, feature until the second half of the seventies for a very diverse music selection: it ranges from rock to slow. However, there are places like Rome Piper of which will be characterized mainly to promote hosting live music (and sometimes throwing) younger artists.
by Wikipedia.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Unusual Crock Pot Uses


Welcome to the blog of the best Italian clubs, good navigation.
Post your best local, will be happy to include them in our blog virtual of divertimentooooooooooooo !!!!!!