disc "The years 2000 and disco
The 2000s rarely see large open spaces and the trend remains that of the small clubs that play different genres depending on the type of evening. Emerges and says the first
disco-bar and then the hard-
dinner. The first is to enter a pub but a free drink minimum, and often offering the same kind of normal evening of dancing, but at a lower price. The second is a local (often of old pubs or nightclubs medium size) in its first time slot of the evening (20.00 - 24.00) also carries out food services, organizes events (meetings), has a staff of animators and second part of the evening (from 24.00 onwards) carry the same program of Disco-bar. The first is popular with twentysomethings, the second from the thirties. It also states as evening entertainment on Friday evening. At the beginning of the decade there will be a real rediscovery of music from past decades, and then the revival: many locals will be and clubs that recreate the music of the seventies, eighties and the "legendary"
sixty years. The big clubs that have characterized the nineties, however, continue to survive, especially in Italian and European summer resorts (eg Ibiza
Riccione and
). The smaller clubs of the province or city show a tendency to disappear in favor of disco-bar. However, even in youth the most famous resorts such as the Adriatic Coast and abroad,
Ibiza, begins to assert the "local on the beach": it is by merging adjacent bathing, they use the space gained for offer up late at night, a good alternative to the classic disco. Currently, turn out to be the greatest threat of loss of profits for old discoteche.Inoltre, after an apparent resurgence in the years 2000-2002, midway through the first decade of the third millennium takes over a major crisis of the creative production of dance music
, and, consequently, there was a significant decline of collective interest for the clubs. In 2006
will stir the closure of the mega-disco Cyborg (
Attigliano - Tr) after 13 years of activity: in fact, is missing a historical center of Italy, which drew young people from
Lazio, the capital
, dall'
Umbria e dalla
Toscana . Per contro c'è un'affermazione del ballo di coppia latino-americano che coinvolge prevalentemente i giovani di età superiore ai 25 anni. Molteplici saranno i locali da ballo che, rinnovati nel nome e negli arredi, proporranno un programma musicale esclusivamente latino-americano. Altrettanto numerose saranno le discoteche di massa che riproporranno la musica dei decenni passati, ospitando talvolta anche gli artisti stessi che resero famosa la dance negli anni 80 e 90.
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