With the change of the decade and genre, the Disco Music leaves the stage and is replaced by music elettronica.In this time we are also witnessing a significant change in the trend of European clubs than is americane.Se true that the birth of disco in the U.S., it is also true that the U.S. will remain the to reject both the concept of the disco club. For the U.S. public because the disco is a genre too futile and devoid of content and the collective is indirectly related to the gay world (the period of reactionary slogans like "Disco Sucks"). The premises that will arise as a result at Studio 54 (already in crisis in 1980 ) are mostly medium-sized and connected to the rap music , pop and rock (often performed live) is more diverse and less excessive as it was without doubt the Studio 54. This fact does not mean that dance music will be repudiated in the U.S., in fact,
simply will no longer be considered the only star of Saturday night. In Europe
however, the model of the club as a place of collective entertainment, meeting and entertainment will be a huge success. In the early eighties throughout Europa si assiste infatti alla costruzione di locali volti ad ospitare una grande affluenza di pubblico ed infatti le frequentazioni delle discoteche risultano sempre più eterogenee e sempre meno selezionate. I locali da ballo nati ad inizio anni settanta semplicemente come sale liscio, in questo periodo provvederanno ad ampliarsi con nuove strutture adiacenti e divenire quindi anche "discoteca": in questo modo i gestori aumentano la propria offerta di svago notturno. Sempre in relazione al successo della musica elettronica (l'uso a tutto campo del sintetizzatore), dell'era digitale (iniziano a diffondersi i PC) e del mito dell'alta tecnologia, nella prima metà del decennio 80 non è azzardato assimilare le discoteche a dei luna-park della musica e del ballo. Anche le scenografie di studi di trasmissioni televisive popolari e di varietà ricreano in tutto vere e proprie
discoteche: in Italia , nell'edizione del 1983 del Festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo verranno utilizzati raggi laser scenografici, mentre altre trasmissioni come "Fantastico" verranno ricordate per le sigle esplicitamente dance . In Italia ed in Europa si assiste anche all’esplosione della musica dance “ made in Italy ” cosa notevole se si considera che negli anni del boom della disco music ( 1977 - 1979 ) non si annovera virtually no success italiana.E matrix 'in this period that
London, Ibiza Frankfurt born and some of the most popular clubs in the world and still avant-garde. Even in Italy are the early eighties who see large structures also arise in the province.
Contrary to what is suggested by the trends of the time, will still U.S. to launch a new music and disco. In the mid-eighties, a Chicago open the "Wharehouse Club" (literally "warehouse club") where a selected music is played exclusively by DJ and not that is transmitted by radio. This is the official birth of House Music and the phenomenon of "Culture Club" for the first time a DJ is not limited only to mix the tracks, but technically it is also he who makes music overlaying different bases. The frequent visits of these local moves are only the type of music played and to be called "cool." Unlike the protagonists of the clubs in the seventies and early eighties, which is described by means of changing scenes, colored lights, neon lights and dance floors, these new buildings are characterized by dark atmospheres, the simplicity of the furnishings and sometimes for an advertisement based mostly on word of mouth rather than su insegne e cartelloni pubblicitari.In Italia primi
esempi di discoteche che ricalcano questo modello di locale sono: il Cocoricò di Riccione aperto nel 1987 (sebbene la musica suonata sia prevalentemente Techno e non House) ed il RedZone Club di Perugia aperto nel 1989 (entrambi ancora in attività e considerati ormai locali storici).Altre discoteche verranno arredate a tema: nella seconda metà degli anni 80 e fino ad i primi anni 90, molteplici saranno i locali che richiameranno negli arredi e scenografie gli stili romano, gotico, arabesco ed egizio. Sul finire degli anni ottanta si afferma anche il genere antagonist of house music: Techno genre. This type is characterized by a more aggressive pace, harder and more electronic House, will stand out initially, mainly due to a phenomenon that went into vogue until the mid-nineties : the rave party. This is essentially evenings organized clandestinely in places and then discharged without authorization (such as factories abandoned) and often in open glades. The facilities are rented by the organizers and advertising, which can also be attending to get across borders, is essentially based on passaparola.Nelle larger clubs, he began to become more The most popular concept of "multiplex": a large main hall, they are accompanied by other smaller but specialized in cutting-edge music. At the end of the eighties also born cubist: girls dancing on raised blocks compared the track and who wants to animate the serata.by Wikipedia.

however, the model of the club as a place of collective entertainment, meeting and entertainment will be a huge success. In the early eighties throughout Europa si assiste infatti alla costruzione di locali volti ad ospitare una grande affluenza di pubblico ed infatti le frequentazioni delle discoteche risultano sempre più eterogenee e sempre meno selezionate. I locali da ballo nati ad inizio anni settanta semplicemente come sale liscio, in questo periodo provvederanno ad ampliarsi con nuove strutture adiacenti e divenire quindi anche "discoteca": in questo modo i gestori aumentano la propria offerta di svago notturno. Sempre in relazione al successo della musica elettronica (l'uso a tutto campo del sintetizzatore), dell'era digitale (iniziano a diffondersi i PC) e del mito dell'alta tecnologia, nella prima metà del decennio 80 non è azzardato assimilare le discoteche a dei luna-park della musica e del ballo. Anche le scenografie di studi di trasmissioni televisive popolari e di varietà ricreano in tutto vere e proprie

Contrary to what is suggested by the trends of the time, will still U.S. to launch a new music and disco. In the mid-eighties, a Chicago open the "Wharehouse Club" (literally "warehouse club") where a selected music is played exclusively by DJ and not that is transmitted by radio. This is the official birth of House Music and the phenomenon of "Culture Club" for the first time a DJ is not limited only to mix the tracks, but technically it is also he who makes music overlaying different bases. The frequent visits of these local moves are only the type of music played and to be called "cool." Unlike the protagonists of the clubs in the seventies and early eighties, which is described by means of changing scenes, colored lights, neon lights and dance floors, these new buildings are characterized by dark atmospheres, the simplicity of the furnishings and sometimes for an advertisement based mostly on word of mouth rather than su insegne e cartelloni pubblicitari.In Italia primi

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