Some clubs still use bouncers to control access to local and security in it, even if the current legislation in Italy has now dramatically changed this picture even "historic" by local changing it in the new "Head of Security." This new figure is inserted, almost always, in a corporate structure external to the premises that they establish a cooperation agreement based on "Controlling the flow of persons and the security service" of the room. Many of these companies are regularly provided with permission to do precisely that allows Prefectural solta
nt control activities on streams in the premises as the "Security" is completely and without fail, but only the police authorities that oversee sull'incolumità citizens. Another aspect of "security" in the field (especially but not only) of Disco is also the "infamous" Art TULPS 100 (Consolidated Laws of Public Safety) of 1931 that reads: "The Questor may suspend the license of an exercise where riots have taken place or serious disorder, or is the usual gathering of people affected or dangerous or which, however, constitutes a danger to public order, morality public and morality or to public safety. If you repeat the events that led to the suspension, the license may be revoked "means that in some cases the closure of more than 30 days for
a room it acts occur to disturb public order (such as fights, injuries or assaults). Many times the so-called bouncers were involved in accidents could lead the authorities to apply Article 100 and that caused significant economic losses to the operators (not to mention the employees who remained without work). That is why in many cities and tourist resorts is preferred to replace the figure unprofessional (and sometimes of dubious origin) of the bouncers with a more prepared and professional, but above all to meet its liability.

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