Monday, May 24, 2010

Trials Motorcycle Clipart

Come e perché penso che Paragone "dipinga" Santoro

While I was not here, I followed "The last word," Comparison of the program on Rai 2, where he was vilified, shamelessly, the journalist Michele Santoro, providing, among other things, false and misleading broadcast on "Year Zero" which, according to Paragon, he would shoot zero on the Church. Well, these points of view but - I say this as a Catholic - if there was a program that has uncovered a Pandora's box of ill repute in a certain way of doing "ecclesia", in that same broadcast there who has represented well the church (as Rise journalist) in a most worthy, pointing out that as there are shady characters who unworthily wear robes, many others, humility and silence, become a benchmark for many destitute of civil society. And when I speak of ill repute, I am not referring to some pedophile priests because I believe that, essentially, those are just people pedophile and therefore, extensive and deeply in need of care. The real problem is the culture of silence, the silence, the false representation of a reality that must be reported, rather than hidden, for fear of losing face: that the Church-State, but applies to many other centers of power.
This is the real evil and Santoro, in his own way, is itself the social commentary.
Santoro is a reporter for this uncomfortable fact, the journalist is uncomfortable.
But the maximum level of open-mindedness I think has been achieved by Comparison at the same time which has leveraged shooting on Year Zero workers in layoffs, and Santoro for download on the public offer that Rai has made him a sort of moral guilt of what happens, he has been made to terminate the accounts in your pocket what would you do with i soldi che la Rai offre a Santoro.
Credo che il giornalismo abbia raggiunto, con certi personaggi, livelli davvero bassi.
A parte il fatto che il Giornalista Michele Santoro - che non sempre mi piace, ma ritengo necessario, come contribuente Rai e come cittadino - viene pagato dalla Rai in modo trasparente e quindi, senza alcuna manfrina, non vedo perché ci sia da scandalizzarsi per una cifra grazie alla quale potrebbero essere risolti i problemi di tanta gente. Beh, sarebbe come dire che un quadro d'autore non si dovrebbe pagare quello che si paga perché è un affronto alla povera gente.
C'è, insomma, nella teoria di Paragone e della "Madame Curie" della politica - così come Bea ha apostrafato la Santanché - a kind of commodification of the person, so every man has a price typical of those who confuse the subject and object, of those who keep themselves in the concept of state-power, although incorporated into a State-person. Thus, the base money is only a medium of exchange, as if the journalist Santoro was purchased, as well as the comparison of the moment you buy from those who represent the state-power ... basically there is no guilt in those who judge the actions of others with their own meters.
But as for me, even the base money can acquire its own dignity, if I pass the time.
In short, money can also be used as a yardstick of value and not a commodification.
Thus, non avviene forse che a fronte del danno ingiusto subito da una persona, il giudice stabilisca un valore risarcitorio? Dunque, la somma di denaro rappresenta il valore della persona, così come oggi, quanto è offerto a Santoro - e non estorto - rappresenta il suo valore di persona e non (solo) il suo valore commerciale... ma chissà se nel panorama di chi è ossessionato dall'idea che uno straniero possa passare il Piave del 2010, c'è posto per il valore della persona; come può accettare un simile concetto, chi è tutto dedicato ad esaltare la propria identità ad unico modello valoriale? come può, chi riconosce nell'economia un fine e non un mezzo, concepire l'idea che possa esistere una crescita culturale ben più important economic growth for a country?
But if, wishing to follow the logic mercenary Comparison & Co., I had to think about what would you do with the money offered to Santoro for humanity, well, even then I would say that the money was well spent as has been spent. Why
against a number of people who could see improved their economic condition, which would be the general cultural conditions of the country.
Because if there is a journalist who was against everything and everyone has reported the most abject and soiling is present in the cross-power logic, this is precisely Michele Santoro. Let's stop and think about what today is Michele Santoro ... there is a story of person who regards!
Michele Santoro has played over his head as a journalist their dignity, their future, their chances of being marginalized, as has been marginalized and this in front of a mass of pseudo-intellectuals of those registered with the journalists before the Busi scene of the spill, do nothing to restore it in the body of Rai 1: indeed, a pain in the ass in less: only Dandini, is talking about and will be a chance?
So, for me is that journalist Michele Santoro has given me the opportunity to learn the content that a Mafia-style conspiratorial and try and try to hide it is quel giornalista che non considera i cittadini, gli utenti della Rai, una massa di idioti, incapaci di ragionare, ma che offre loro delle conclusioni - talvolta faziose, talvolta forzose - che possono scegliere di condividere o di contestare, ma, così facendo, conquistare il valore alto di un popolo e cioè, il giudizio critico collettivo.
Questo è quello che una certo potere pubblico teme: il giudizio critico della gente.
La capacità della massa di farsi delle proprie idee, delle proprie opinioni, su ciò che è male e ciò che è bene; su ciò che vale la pena di affrontare e ciò che vale la pena di tralasciare. La capacità del popolo di stabilire un modello culturale, senza che sia il potere ad media designed to impose it through alchemy table.
So, for better or for worse, the journalist Michele Santoro is an integral part of national culture, a kind of cultural object that can be enhanced with a handsome sum of money, as it does with a painting, without too much stumbling block to the dormant conscience.
Comparison, for me, remains a point of comparison: between those who do journalism and who sells journalism.


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