Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Causes Reversal Of Cervical Lordosis

With the advent of electronic mail, the first of several Facebook, Twetter, etc.., I started a "path epistrolare" with the various contacts along the way, met in person and on my way a local policeman.
In this way, Easter and Christmas have in some way, marked the steps required to propose ideas and make it my personal wishes for the best things during these holidays.
The Feast, for that matter, is or should be - at least in our imagination of Westerners - a time of celebration, in fact.
Moreover, aging, gli entusiasmi tendono ad essere sostituiti dalle preoccupazioni o forse, vi sono più motivi, oggi, per preoccuparsi, che non ve ne fossero, ieri, per non preoccuparsi.
Così non posso non ricordare un recentissimo lutto che ha colpito la Polizia Stradale di La Spezia, ma ciascun operatore della polizia stradale. La giovane Sovraintendente Maria Teresa Marcocci, infatti, ci ha lasciati, durante un banale controllo: un ubriaco, incidentato. Il maltempo e, qualcuno dice, la sorte, si è messo di traverso ed un ramo di una pianta l'ha ghigliottinata come una condannata a morte. Lei, è la cinquantanovesima vittima del lavoro, caduta nell'adempimento del dovere, dal 1990 ad oggi. Invito per questo a vedere il filmato pubblicato alla web page in memory of the victims, but because of this, I propose a first reflection.
Why, when a cop dies, no one talks to victims of work or, as in the case of Maria Theresa, it is said that it was his time? Because if a worker falls from un'imaplcatura, or is trapped by the gas tank, it comes to victims of work? because in these cases is not their time but we are talking about situations that should not happen? What makes the life of a policewoman less dignified life as any other worker? ... but this happens and I think it's just a reflection on us.
never dies by case, no work, so less in those who is a policeman. Why
who wears a uniform and crosses the threshold of the house, he never knows if they will return, as it prepares to fight his "good fight". From small disagreements with the public, who flock to those who have a uniform all the hardships of this world to the greatest hardships, culminating in demonstrations against a public authority incompetent, which are easy to vent frustrations about police commanders to guarantee order public. When you go out on patrol was well aware that you may encounter on our way a criminal who knows who we are and why we saimo (because we have a uniform that identifies us, a few among many), but that remains for us one of the tanti sconosciuti che ha provato a rapinare il patrimonio di altri, mettendo in gioco di rapinare per sempre la nostra vita; o magari si fa un controllo, ci si predispone a fare una deviazione del traffico, consapevoli che siamo in mezzo al maltempo a cercare di salvaguardare la sicurezza degli altri a discapito della nostra.
Perché accade tutto questo? perchè ci crediamo.
Perché non siamo vittime del lavoro? perché a gli altri fa comodo crederlo.
E allora, il mio augurio, per questo Natale, va ovviamente, primo fra tutti, alla famiglia di Maria Teresa che non conosco - come non conoscevo Lei - ma che in certo qual modo, è un po' anche la mia famiglia. Affinché sia consolata dall'idea che questa donna ha combattuto his "good fight" and as such should be remembered: a worker who did his job until the end, the protection of others before herself.
And then there is another very vivid memory that is the recent demonstration of in Rome. Inconceivable attack on a Minister of the Republic to a student only for this reason, in a normal country, would force the minister to resign for failing to control their emotions and therefore the future of our nation. But, on the other hand, there is the inconceivable silence of the students who have deplored the behavior of those who have beaten, again, Polz, who was there to do his job.
Of course, first there was the right manifest: a sacred right recognized by the Constitution to protect freedom.
But on the other side was the duty of the police to charge those who, taking advantage of this right, exercised the same to the detriment of private and public property and, above all, against democratic institutions.
Meanwhile, in Parliament, the parliamentary brawl came out strong images of MPs who are hurt, beaten, ... unable to talk and demonstrate to the Italian people, who pretend to represent, there is a different way of loving to this battered country and are fed up. Here
a wish. A sincere wish that Christmas, which accounts for both believers and to unbelievers, the Love day, which is identified with the innocent and the weak force of a Child: well, this Christmas, bring inner peace in our hearts of citizens so that the second deals with institutional interest and not personal, any serious problem of the country and where it is necessary to change a government structure, do so under the rules of law which are still the sintesiu a shared reason and not the manifestation of atavistic rage.
Finally, the last thought, I turn to the families of young girls not only in Puglia in southern Italy, but also productive in northern Italy (as if to prove that there is a southern issue but an Italy that is to remain united , even in pain, even in an earthquake, as in the flood) are gone and that in recent days close to Christmas, are no longer in the family. In a normal country, some things should never happen, but these things happen and we show how, despite everything, we are still weak and helpless, our dearest affections. And then this last wish is for families, to the serenity of the Christmas reaches, reaches us, perhaps demonstrating that there is a much higher value consumer goods, items, goods: more love, family , that of the first natural society that is at the service of their loved ones, to build a family and then a country family, within which, you should learn to recognize that even those who value family, conceiving a different way of loving, joined in a partnership, which is only guaranteed if and only if, the parties involved, know how to love each other.


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